No One Is More Suitable Than Me

Su Yulun was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly. "What… what are you trying to do? Are you going to rebel? Let me warn you. If I die, none of you will know where the original blueprints are!"

Su Ying wasn't afraid of his threat at all. She grabbed his collar in one move and pulled him over to her.

"Su Ying, you're crazy! What are you doing to Father?"

Su Yulun felt a sharp pain in his neck, and the next moment, Su Ying let go of him.

"Su Ying, you're too arrogant, you… Ugh!" Before Su Yulun could finish his sentence, he felt his neck stiffen. Following that, a sense of pain gradually spread from his neck to his brain.

This kind of pain was different from the earlier pain in his body. This kind of pain seemed to be able to invade his bone marrow as if it wanted to strip his three souls and seven spirits from his flesh and blood.