Surfing Freely

On the shallow sandbar, the thin little girl was surrounded by a few teenagers. She was fighting for a wicker basket with a little boy who was a head taller than her.

However, the little girl was too young and weak. She was not a match for these children at all. As she was trying hard to snatch the wicker basket, her hand ended up getting cut.

"Since we got it, it's ours. Go away, you little monster." The youth reached out and gave the little girl a shove. The little girl stumbled and fell into the water.

However, even so, when she saw that the youth was about to take the fish in the wicker basket away, she endured the pain and got up to snatch it again.

When the other teenagers saw that the little girl was so stubborn, they became annoyed. They threw away the wicker basket and pushed her into the water as they got ready to strike.

However, before their fists could smash on her, someone grabbed one of their wrists.