If You Can't, I'll Do It Myself

Boom! A loud noise was heard. Xiang Hualan was so shocked that her heart jumped to her mouth. She was utterly shocked.

The part of the storage room's door panel that was fastened by the lock was kicked through. The two door panels then creaked open on their own.

"Give me the lantern."

Xiang Hualan handed the lantern in her hand to Su Ying. She then carried the lantern and walked in to illuminate a corner of the storage room.

"Go ahead." Su Ying turned to look at Xiang Hualan.

Xiang Hualan regained her senses and nodded. She walked to the box where the banknotes were placed and opened it, but she found that the banknotes in the box were gone.

Xiang Hualan thought that she remembered wrongly, so she rummaged through the small box in the storage room again, but there was no banknote inside at all. She clearly remembered that she had seen her grandmother put the banknotes in with her own eyes last time. How could they be missing?