Taking the Blood of the Heart

The shock on Xiang Hualan's face was very authentic. So it was not that difficult to lie in front of these people after all.

"This… this is a contagious disease… If you get infected..." Xiang Hualan didn't finish her sentence, but everyone understood.

"But Grandmother, don't worry. Miss Su, who saved me yesterday, is a highly skilled doctor. She also helped Grandmother regain consciousness. Why don't I ask her to take a look at Younger Sister?"

In this era, leprosy was the equivalent of an extremely contagious terminal illness. Old Mistress Xiang didn't think that Su Ying had the ability to completely cure her, but Xiang Shule was her beloved granddaughter, so she was unwilling to give up even if there was a glimmer of hope.

"Then I'll have to trouble Miss Su."

Su Ying was invited to the door of Xiang Shule's room. Her face was covered with a strange cloth and she was wearing gloves. Even her eyes were covered with some unrecognizable thing.