Untameable Ingrate

Su Ying returned to the Cloud Assembly Inn and carried Que Que, who was sleeping soundly, out of the interspatial store.

Tomorrow was the last day of the waiting period she agreed with Mo Tu. However, Su Ying was not a passive person and she would be prepared for both eventualities.

She brought the messenger eagle out of the interspatial store. When she met the assassins from the Red Demon Sect earlier, Mo Tu's abnormal reaction had already aroused her suspicion. The messenger eagle would naturally recognize its master. In order to test Mo Tu, she released the messenger eagle from the interspatial store before he woke up. To her surprise, it found its way to Mo Tu's side.

At this point, Su Ying was even more certain that Mo Tu's identity was connected to the Red Demon Sect, but she did not know what role he played in the Red Demon Sect.