Play Along with Her Act

Zhou Qing walked to the front of the convoy and knelt down. "Your humble servant Zhou Qing hereby greets Your Imperial Highness."

The people outside the horse carriage had already noticed Zhou Qing. They all looked at her warily when she approached.

Zhou Qing was blocking the convoy's way. A chilly voice rang out from the horse carriage. "You may rise."

"Thank you, Your Imperial Highness."

After Zhou Qing stood up, she heard the Empress say, "For this period of time, you will follow me."

"Yes, Your Imperial Highness."

Zhou Qing withheld the excitement in her heart and got onto the horse. She then rode next to the horse carriage.

The convoy soon arrived outside the city gate.

When the disaster victims who were waiting outside the city saw such a bright and elegant convoy coming toward them, they stared at the convoy curiously. They were hoping that the people on the carriage could give them a bite of food.