Intertwined Space-Time

As soon as he finished speaking, the black-robed man felt his blood churn in his chest. Pfft! After spitting out a mouthful of blood, life drained out of his body completely.

Xiao Jin flung the black-robed man aside and looked in the direction he pointed.

From the faint traces left on the ground, it could be seen that the person had indeed left in this direction.

When they saw that Xiao Jin was turning back, the two officials chased him and said, "My Lord, if we go this way, we will be turning back. If we go down, we'll reach the path to go up the mountain."

"Just follow me," Xiao Jin said.

Seeing that Xiao Jin was so insistent, the officials could only resign themselves to their fate and follow Xiao Jin. They only hoped that this lord would put in a good word for them in front of Lord Wei after they returned on account of their hard work. It would be good if their monthly salary could be increased.