Hope to Travel Together

When Su Ying woke up, she found Zhou Qing standing guard outside her door with two dark circles under her eyes.

"Your Imperial Highness, you are awake. I will bring water for the Your Imperial Highness to wash up." Before Su Ying could say anything, Zhou Qing ran off enthusiastically.

In the blink of an eye, she returned to the room with a basin of water to help Su Ying wash up.

"You didn't sleep last night?"

Of course, Zhou Qing didn't dare to tell Su Ying that she was worried about Xiao Jin and that was why she stood guard outside the door for the entire night. "After I fell ill, I fell asleep for a few days and now I couldn't sleep. I was worried that Your Imperial Highness might need something at night, so I kept watch all the while."

"I have never needed anything when I wake up at night. There's no need to do this next time."

Zhou Qing murmured her acknowledgment repeatedly.