What The Hell Were They Up To?

Su Ying threw the "female ghost" onto the ground and went over to check on the Imperial Guards. She found that they were only unconscious and were not in any serious danger.

She took out a bottle of medicine and placed it under the noses of the Imperial Guards.

The stimulating effect of the medicine gradually woke up the unconscious Imperial Guards.

When the Imperial Guards opened their eyes and saw Su Ying dressed in all black, all of them got a shock.

"Who are you? How dare you play tricks here in the middle of the night?"

Su Ying slowly got up. She then took out the phoenix token from her body and waved it in front of their eyes. "It is I."

When the Imperial Guards saw the phoenix token, they were even more astounded. They hurriedly knelt in front of Su Ying. "You are the Empress. Greetings, Your Imperial Highness."

"Rise, all of you. I have already caught the female ghost."