Is Studying Interesting

In order to appease the displeasure of the Emperor and the Empress, the Minister of Revenue's Residence was particularly concerned about the renovation works at the academy in the aftermath.

In less than half a month, the workers finished the job that was originally supposed to take a month or so.

The Minister of Revenue bowed and stood behind Su Ying as he said humbly, "Your Imperial Highness, please see if there is anything you are not satisfied with. I will immediately get someone to rectify it."

Su Ying walked around the fully renovated academy. It had to be said that the Minister of Revenue had put in a lot of effort. The compound was as good as new, and even the flowers and greenery in the backyard had been put in place. The service was so considerate that even pillows and quilts were provided in every dormitory.

"Not bad."

The Minister of Revenue heaved a sigh of relief inwardly when he heard what Su Ying said.