
  The Minister of Justice felt a headache coming on. They might as well burn him to death instead!

 "Sir, what should we do?"

 There was no lack of people among this horde that they could not afford to offend. If they used brute force to repel them and hurt someone as a result, they would end up being the ones in trouble.

 "My Lord, why don't we bring that Great Immortal White Lotus out and let her personally tell these people that she's a swindler?" Otherwise, if this continued, all of them would end up having a hard time.

 The Minister of Justice was a little hesitant. If something went wrong when he brought the person out, wouldn't he die even faster?

 However, these people were determined not to leave, and he could not chase them away…

 The Minister of Justice's brows were so tightly knitted that they could easily pinch a fly to death!