Hanging Himself Out Of Despair

  Bai Shuang was a little afraid. She was so afraid that she wanted to leave, but just as she was about to turn around, she seemed to sense the person in the snow moving.

 "He's alive?"

 She gripped the garden shears in her hand tightly. After undergoing a great inner struggle, in the end, she mustered her courage and walked towards the body.

 The person was lying face down in the snow. At a glance, she could not see his face, but when Bai Shuang saw the clothes he was wearing, a strange look appeared in her eyes.

 She placed the things in her hands on the ground and reached out to flip the person over from the snow.

 After getting a good look at the other party's appearance, she nervously reached out and touched his neck.

 His pulse was still beating and he was still breathing.

 Bai Shuang did not have time to figure out why this guy would appear here at this hour. Her first reaction was to save him.