Let's Test It

  Although Xiao Jin was trying his best to suppress his emotions, Su Ying still noticed that something was not right with him.

 Xiao Jin still didn't say anything even after he had washed up and was lying on the bed at night.

 Su Ying nudged her body against his. Xiao Jin felt her movements and subconsciously moved his body to the side to make way for her to lean into his arms.

 Su Ying leaned onto him but she didn't hear any movement from him. She could only turn around and face him. Even in the darkness, she still caught sight of his unfathomable gaze at once.

 "Did something happen?"

 Xiao Jin came back to his senses and held her hand as he said softly, "Nothing. I'm just thinking about some matters in the Imperial Court."

 There was always some matter happening in the Imperial Court. Up till now, except for the incident in Kun City, Su Ying had never seen anything that could make him get so caught up in his thoughts.