I'll Give You A Way Out

  Su Ying waved her hand, and everyone in the room excused themselves.

 Only she and Chu Yunn were left in the room.

 Chu Yunn didn't know what Su Ying wanted to do, but as a woman, she felt that Su Ying was just trying to teach her a lesson for seducing the Emperor.

 "I came today to give you a way out."

 Chu Yunn looked at Su Ying with a puzzled expression. "What exactly do you want?"

 Su Ying raised her eyes and stared at her indifferently. "You are someone who thinks very highly of herself. I believe that you would never do something so shameless. I've already found out that you were used."

 Chu Yunn was taken aback.

 Su Ying continued after noticing the change in her expression, "Don't you want to know why your father wanted you to seduce the Emperor?"

 These words were like a sharp sword that stabbed viciously into Chu Yunn's heart.