Who Did You Say Is Too Dangerous?

  "City Lord, those people are very cunning. Last time, Lord Chu fell into their trap!"

 "That's right, City Lord. Those people are too dangerous."

 Su Ying raised her almond-shaped eyes slightly. "Hmm? What did you just say? Who is too dangerous?"

 The bandit leader choked and stared blankly into Su Ying's two eyes which were totally devoid of warmth.

 Was it because the City Lord was gone for too long? He had actually forgotten that there was absolutely no other person in this world who was more dangerous than the City Lord!

 "I'll send someone to pass the message now."

 The camps of the three parties were not far from each other. However, the strange thing was that during the process of setting up camp, each party would not do anything to provoke the other party unless the other party went close to the mine.

 Su Ying's words were quickly conveyed to the leaders of the two kingdoms' camps.