Living Bodhisattva

  Su Ying got someone to count the number of people. There were a total of 183 people and almost 70 households. Many households had only one person left.

 After walking around the Tiger Base, they finally chose the South District where Long Ba used to operate. The houses here seemed to be in a better condition and were grouped closer together.

 For the sake of fairness, the houses were assigned by drawing lots.

 "Why is this house sandwiched in the middle? It's so much smaller than the houses at the edge. Our family has four people." A middle-aged woman went to look at her assigned house after drawing lots. The more she looked, the more dissatisfied she became.

 "Who took the house at the edge?" The middle-aged woman looked around and saw a thin figure walking into the house she had her eyes on.

 "It's that little bastard Naughty Dog." Li Cuihua walked up to Naughty Dog and pulled him out of the house.