Feeling Indignant

  Su Ying still had to go and check on the progress of the road-building. In the end, she didn't get to eat the little girl's dried mushrooms.

 The basic conditions of the mud road outside Sky Alpha City were not bad. During this period, quite a fair section of the road had already been dug up. All that was needed was to fill it with green bricks.

 "Based on this progress, we should be able to get this road built this year."

 "Don't worry, City Lord. It will definitely be completed this year."

 Su Ying brought two people and walked along the road to check the progress. After confirming that there were no major problems, she returned to the city.

 Uncle Murong had already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

 "I think you have lost weight during this period, City Lord. You should eat more."

 Did she lose weight?