Both Hands Are Very Important

  "Let me touch your tummies to see if it's round and full?" Su Ying said as she reached out to touch their stomachs.

 The two children, who were very tense at first, began giggling when Su Ying touched their stomachs.

 "Mother, Nanny said that we should eat less at night, or we will become fat." Ling laughed joyously as she grabbed Su Ying's mischievous hand.

 Su Ying let go and pinched her soft little face. "You two are how many years old? You have so much homework every day, and you expend so much physical energy. It's only right for you to eat more. Just don't eat until you are overstuffed."

 As she spoke, she scooped another bowl of bird's nest porridge for each of them. "Shall we have another bowl each?"

 In truth, the two children hadn't really eaten much. When they saw Su Ying scooping for them, they began eating dutifully.

 When they saw that the kids were almost done eating, both Su Ying and Xiao Jin put down their chopsticks.