Chapter 1. Buying Him For 90000 Yuan

 "Did you bring all your documents? Is it okay to register now?" Ji Ningyan stood in front of a young man. As she spoke, her heart was filled with apprehension, and her face was filled with nervousness.

 If her parents had not gone too far and forced her to marry a sixty-year-old man, she would not have been forced to spend money to find a stranger to marry her.

 Ji Ningyan had already made some inquiries. That man wasn't very young, and he had a fiery temper. It was common for him to fight with his wives, and one of his wives had even been forced to commit suicide by jumping off a building!

 When she thought of this, Ningyan couldn't help but shudder.

 She was only twenty years old. She didn't want to die, nor did she want to marry such a terrifying man!

 "Id? Registration?" The seated man raised his head, revealing an extraordinarily handsome face. His facial features were deep and well-defined, and his eyes were sharp. When he looked at Ji Ningyan, it was as if he could see through her heart.

 Ji Ningyan came back to her senses and then nodded gently at him. "Right. You didn't forget that you agreed to a fake marriage with me, did you? Don't worry, I'll keep my word. After we get our marriage certificate, I'll give you half the reward and let you take it to your mother for treatment. I'll give you the rest when we get divorced."

 Qin Nanyu thought it was ridiculous after hearing her out.

 How dare she 'Buy' him for marriage? How could a little girl like her afford Qin Nanyu with all his wealth?

 "How much are you going to bid?" Qin Nanyu looked at her; his voice was cold.

 Ningyan was startled. His attitude was far colder than when they had been chatting online. Could it be that he was going to go back on his word?

 "Didn't we agree on 80000?" Ning Yan asked carefully.

 Eighty thousand?

 The man's face stiffened, and his handsome face began to turn cold.

 Ningyan's heart thumped as a thought suddenly came to her mind. Did he think that it was too little and wanted to go back on his word?

 "If you think it's too little, I'll add another five thousand ..." The blind date arranged by her parents was tonight. Her time was limited, so even if Mo Huai was 'Demanding an exorbitant price at the last minute,' she could only accept it.

 Qin Nanyu sat there expressionlessly.

 Eighty-five thousand was the price that Ji Ningyan had set for him.

 If it wasn't for the fact that she looked so severe when she spoke and didn't seem to be lying, he might have thought that some wealthy young lady was deliberately using this method to attract his attention.

 "What do you think?" Ningyan's heart began to beat like a drum when she saw him keeping a straight face and not saying a single word.

 "If you think eighty-five thousand is too little, I'll pay 90000." Ningyan paused for a moment. She glanced at his handsome face, then convinced herself to continue bidding.

 Qin Nanyu crossed his arms and said firmly, "I don't agree."

 Ji Ningyan's shoulders sank, and her eyes began to mist up from her anxiety.

 She didn't try to raise the price again. Instead, she took a piece of paper money from her bag and placed it on the table.

 The man across from her glanced at the hundred-yuan note, raised his eyebrows, and said in a cold voice, "What do you mean by this?"

 "Sorry to trouble you. This cup of coffee is on me." Ji Ningyan explained. Although she had been straightforward in her words, the look of disappointment on her face was unmistakable.

 Qin Nanyu understood that she was giving up on him.

 "What are you going to do next? Are you going to spend another 90000 to marry another man?"

 Ji Ningyan pondered for a moment, then shook her head at him. Somewhat resigned to her fate, she said, "I'm afraid it's too late to find someone else. I can only attend tonight's dinner and accept my parents' arrangement to marry that man."