Chapter 13. Very Brave

 Qin Min mistook Qin Nanyu for an actor Ji Ningyan had hired to scare her, so she didn't take Ji Ningyan's words seriously.

 But now, she wasn't so sure.

 Ji Jiayan thought that Qin Min's words were ridiculous. He looked at her with disappointment. "Mom, Cpancan is already pregnant with my child. Are you still unwilling to accept her?"

 "What are you saying? When did I not accept her?" Qin Min raised her voice.

 Ji Jiayan immediately asked, "How could it be such a coincidence? Of all times, when I was about to register, the household register was gone. And you say that Ningyan had stolen it? Mom, don't you know what kind of person Ningyan is?"

 Ji Ningyan was obedient, and her timid personality was deeply ingrained in the hearts of every member of the Ji family, which was why Ji Jiayan had said that.

 After he left, Qin Min finally reacted. She was so angry that her whole body trembled. She shouted at Ji Dongting, "I told you to throw this little b*tch to the orphanage, but you didn't. Now she's learned how to throw dirty water at me. Are you satisfied?"

 Ji Dongting didn't expect her to bring this up, and his expression suddenly changed. "It's late. Keep your voice down!"

 "Then go and find Ji Ningyan. Tie her up and bring her back to me. Otherwise, I won't let you off!"


 The next day, Ji Ningyan was awoken by the doorbell sound.

 She had just woken up and was stunned by the gorgeous house. A few seconds later, she realized she was living with Qin Nanyu.

 Just then, Qin Nanyu came out of the room. Their eyes met, and he said, "If you're awake, get up. The people from the furniture store have sent the things over. They're just outside."

 Ningyan was very surprised. She stood up, put away the blanket, and followed him. "What did you buy?" she asked. "They're here so early?"

 It's only eight in the morning, and the shop is already open.

 Qin Nanyu glanced at her and replied expressionlessly, "Your bed."

 He had asked his assistant to book a bed for her last night. Otherwise, would he have made her sleep on the sofa?

 "Ah?" Before Ji Ningyan could react, he had already opened the door. The person in the lead was a young man in a suit.

 Were all porters dressed so formally these days?

 Thinking back to her pajamas, Ji Ningyan felt that it was inappropriate, so she quickly hid in Qin Nanyu's room.

 Just like that, Gu Zheng also saw her.

 He was shocked as if he had discovered a shocking secret. He looked at Qin Nanyu in disbelief. "Boss, you have a woman here?"

 He would have thought he was hallucinating if he had not seen it with his own eyes.

 "What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Qin Nanyu asked in return, his calm tone hiding a dangerous aura.

 Of course, Gu Zheng did not dare to say that there was. He quickly shook his head and firmly denied it. "Of course not, no problem. You've finally opened your aperture. If the old master knew, he would be pleased!"

 "Don't tell anyone about this." Qin Nanyu gave Gu Zheng a look of warning.

 Seeing this, Gu Zheng immediately sat up and nodded his head thoughtfully. "Don't worry, Boss. I won't say anything. Should I get them to move this bed first?"

'The apartment had just welcomed the female owner, and the Boss immediately changed the bed. Looks like he's fearless in that aspect,' Gu Zheng thought.

 Qin Nanyu nodded.

 Just as Gu Zheng ordered the workers to move the bed to the master bedroom, Qin Nanyu frowned and called out from behind, "Who told you it's the master bedroom? Put this bed in the study!"