Chapter 28. Call The Police

 Ningyan looked at her expressionlessly, her voice clear as she asked, "You said that I tried on the watch to buy fake goods online, but I bought this pair of watches, and you have to apologize. Is that too much? "

 Lu Siyuan was shocked.

 Since when had the timid Ji Ningyan become so bold that she would dare to argue with the female shopkeeper?

 She was a regular customer of the luxury store and knew that these female shopkeepers always liked to look at people's food and were not kind to those they thought could not afford it.

 At the thought of this, Lu Siyuan rolled her eyes and said as if she was watching a show, "Ji Ningyan, it's not easy to be the manager either. You don't have to be so overbearing, do you?"

 In her heart, she was mocking Ji Ningyan for being an idiot.

 To win back a city, she slapped herself to put on an act and bought that watch to get an apology from the shopkeeper.

 Can't she see that the eyes of the female shop owner are about to spew fire? Would she apologize to a mere Ji Ningyan?

 "Who's the overbearing one? Based on what she said, I can sue her for slander anytime!" Ji Ningyan's heart exploded with rage. She was determined to have her apologize.

 The shopkeeper looked down on her, so she didn't take it to heart.

 However, she couldn't tolerate slandering her, saying she was taking advantage of her because she couldn't afford it and wanted to go back and buy fake goods online!

 "It's escalated to slander. Sigh, Miss, you'd better apologize. Otherwise, it won't be good if this matter blows up." Lu Siyuan pretended to sigh.

 On the surface, she was trying to persuade the cashier to apologize, but she was adding fuel to the fire.

 The shopkeeper's face turned green and white.

 She had been working here for many years and had met many poor people who could not afford luxury goods. Often, she would mock them, and with a little bit of sarcasm, those poor people would leave in defeat.

 Who would've thought that Ji Ningyan wouldn't play according to the rules and would take out her bank card?

 What was even more outrageous was that she wanted her to apologize!

 Wasn't this the same as stepping on her face? If she apologized, how would she survive at this counter in the future?

 She was utterly enraged. She pushed away Ji Ningyan's bank card and said coldly, "Miss, I think you're here to cause trouble. Please leave immediately."

 "I'm causing trouble?" Ningyan laughed in anger.

 This was the first time she had seen what it meant to lie with her eyes open!

 "Isn't it? If you don't leave now, I'll call security." The shopkeeper held her phone up, warning Ningyan to be more tactful.

 Ningyan's heart was burning with rage.

 This is too much!

 She had to make this despicable shopkeeper apologize today!

 "I think it's better to call the police than to call security." A familiar voice rang out. Startled, Ji Ningyan turned around and saw Qin Nanyu walk out of nowhere.

 The man's figure was tall and handsome, and his beautiful face could be said to be perfect, but at this time, it was covered with a layer of frost that made people not dare to approach him.

 Lu Siyuan's eyes brightened. She couldn't help but stare at Qin Nanyu's face and smile like an infatuated girl.

 Who was this man? Isn't he too handsome?

 "What? Should we call the police?" The female shopkeeper hadn't expected anyone to stand up for Ji Ningyan, especially when she saw Qin Nanyu's powerful aura, cold face, and imposing manner. Her legs suddenly went soft.

 Qin Nanyu lowered his head to look at Ji Ningyan. Her face was red from anger as if it had been dyed with high-quality rouge.

 With Qin Nanyu around, Ji Ningyan suddenly felt at ease, as if she had found a powerful backer. She immediately calmed down and said, "Alright, then call the police!"