Chapter 34. The Eighth Prize

 If Qin Nanyu could predict the future and know what he would agree with, he definitely wouldn't have been soft-hearted just because of one look from Ji Ningyan. He wouldn't have played along with her.

 In the end, he had screwed himself over!

 The staff member took the lottery draw card from Ningyan's hands and swiped it open. Upon seeing the prize on the card, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

 Ji Ningyan saw this clearly, and she hurriedly asked, "What, another bottle of yogurt?"

 The staff member shook his head with a complicated expression, then smiled. "Congratulations, it's not yogurt. It's the eighth prize."

 "The eighth prize?" Ji Ningyan's eyes lit up. She excitedly tugged at Qin Nanyu's sleeve. "Qin Nanyu, did you hear that? The eighth prize, you're indeed lucky than me!"

 She didn't beg Qin Nanyu in vain.

 Now, Ji Ningyan was more confident that it was Qin Nanyu's credit that she had been chosen for a free meal.

 Qin Nanyu's lips curved up when he saw her smile. He said lightly, "I heard you."

 A small eighth prize was enough to satisfy her like this. It was fine to mess around with her.

 Ji Ningyan didn't mind his calm reaction. She looked at the nearby signboard and muttered to herself, "By the way, what's the prize for the eighth prize? I didn't pay attention just now."

 She only looked at the first few grand prizes and the last consolation prize.

 Ningyan's eyes scanned the signboard, but before she could look at it, the staff member bent over and carried out a small box from behind.

 "Eighth place, a box of Durex condoms, a total of 500."

 As the staff member's announcement rang out, the air fell silent. These words caught Ningyan off guard, and she almost tripped and fell.

 Her face was red from the heat, and she stuttered as she looked at the staff, "That, are you sure? "

"Yes, it's the first time someone won this since we set up the lucky draw. You guys are fortunate. This box is enough to last for quite a long time."

 Ji Ningyan's heart instantly let out a shrill, earth-shaking scream.

 Of course, five hundred was enough for her to use for a long time. The problem was that she didn't need to use them!

 "Qin Nanyu, this ..." Ji ningyan looked guiltily at the man next to her. Qin Nanyu's handsome face was ashen and he looked like he didn't want anyone to get close to him.

 Ji Ningyan instinctively sensed danger, and she reflexively shut her mouth.

 Never in Qin Nanyu's life had he been so embarrassed and disheveled as he was today. He realized that his moment of weakness when Ji Ningyan had begged him had been a colossal mistake!

 It was as if her heart was linked to his. Ji Ningyan no longer mentioned the matter of receiving the award. Instead, she said in a low voice, "Well, let's go back."

 "You don't want your prize?" Qin Nanyu looked at her with a fake smile.

 This Qin Nanyu was even scarier than when he was angry. Ji Ningyan shook her head. "No, I don't want it."

 A box of condoms was not even as practical as a bottle of yogurt drink. She immediately regretted it.

 She shouldn't have let Qin Nanyu do it!

 Qin Nanyu snorted coldly. Seeing that Ji Ningyan was about to run, he called out to her, "Stop. Did I say you could leave? I worked hard to get you the eighth prize, and you say you don't want it?"

 "What?" Ji Ningyan was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. "You mean you're going to take the prize away?"

She prayed in her heart, 'Please don't!'

 Qin Nanyu smiled gently and stuffed a box of condoms into her hands. He said firmly, "Of course!"