Chapter 38. Fifty Thousand a Month

 Su Yuanzhi was also a student; her workplace was called the Charm Club, a famous money-squandering establishment in the city. The people who came here to spend were either rich or noble, and ordinary people could not afford to offend any one of them.

 "Okay, wait for me; I'll come over now."

 After hanging up the phone, Ningyan changed into a new set of clothes, then hurriedly headed towards Charm Club.

 The reason why Ji Ningyan had agreed so readily was that she had a good relationship with Su Yuanzhi.

 Secondly, she had also worked at Charm Club during her school days, so she was not unfamiliar with them.

 The name 'Charm' was easy to misunderstand, but it was a proper consumer place with strict management. The treatment it received was much better than its peers and was second to none in the industry.

 After alighting from the carriage, Ji Ningyan didn't see Su Yuanzhi anywhere.

 She immediately guessed that it was because she was too busy. At this time, many people were in the clubhouse, and she didn't even have time to go to the toilet when she was busy.

 Because of this, Su Yuanzhi could not take leave, so she had no choice but to ask Ji Ningyan to take over her shift.

 Ji Ningyan emerged from the elevator. She had wanted to go to the workshop to find Su Yuanzhi, but she had accidentally bumped into someone in her hurry.

 Ji Ningyan's heart skipped a beat, and she stopped in her tracks. "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention ..." She said.

 A cursing voice rang out in her ear. "Are you blind at such a young age? How dare you bump into me? Do you know who your chief Li is?"

 It didn't sound like someone to be trifled with.

 "I'm truly sorry. Something happened to my relative here. I was too worried and didn't notice."

 Working at Charm, Ji Ningyan had been very careful in everything she did. She had never offended anyone.

 However, she had also heard from her colleagues how difficult those people were.

 "It's none of my business even if your relative is dead. Don't talk about your relative. Why are you lowering your head when you're talking to me? Do I look ugly? Raise your head!"

 Ningyan secretly cursed her bad luck.

 She had left the house hurriedly and had no time to put on her makeup.

 Seeing her like this, the man who called himself Master Li felt even more suspicious. He reached out and lifted Ji Ningyan's chin.

 Ji Ningyan had been caught entirely off guard, so he succeeded. Upon seeing her pure and beautiful face, the man was instantly stunned. "Little girl, you're quite pretty. Are you willing to be with me? How about if I give you 50000 a month?"

 Seeing that he had gone too far, Ningyan was so angry that he said coldly, "If there's nothing else, I won't disturb you."

 "Are you deaf? Chief Li asked you to follow him; can't you hear me?" That Chief Li was drunk. When he opened his mouth, the strong smell of alcohol came out.

 Ningyan couldn't be bothered to argue with a drunkard. She slapped his lecherous hand away and ran off.

 "Damn it; she still dares to run!"

 The other party cursed and wanted to catch up, but halfway through, he suddenly fell as if he had been shot, followed by a pig-like scream.

 Ningyan shuddered. She came to a halt, then turned to see him sprawled on the ground, crying in pain.

 And beside him, there was a man.

 When she saw the man's face, Ningyan was shocked. She blurted out, "Brother Yian, what did you do to him?"

 Lu Yian turned his head, his gaze landing on Ji Ningyan's face. "It's nothing. He just fell."

 Ningyan would rather die than believe these words.

 But that man deserved it, she thought.

 Lu Yian walked over to her side, frowning. "Ningyan, what are you doing here?"