Chapter 8:Being lucky isn't for everyone

It was already daylight on the island and the fog had disappeared.

Looking at a beach on the side of the island one could see that it was littered with pieces of a ship.

Suddenly on the shore a person came out of the water and then walked to the beach to drop on the sand.

The person was a man with red hair and a torn shirt, brown pants and a holster with a revolver under his left armpit.

This was Adryan Kenway who had spent the last three hours swimming his way to the island.

He was alone and there was no sign of anyone else on the entire beach.

'Shit, I didn't think the explosion would have been that big,' Adryan thought as he sat up holding his stomach.

Peeling off his shirt, Adryan checked his injuries.

He had a large number of scratches and bruises all over his body from the explosion, a large scratch on his chest and a huge black bruise on his stomach that would be where James kicked him.

'And I thought Tames kicked hard'- he said with a sigh, he couldn't check his back but it should be the same as his stomach.

Sighing again, Adryan put his torn shirt back on and then took the revolver out of its holster and opened the cylinder, removing the casings and putting in new bullets,he still had 11 bullets left.

Now he was going to check the remains of the ship that managed to reach the beach.

Hoping to find some new clothes since he couldn't meet people the way he looked now.

He spent an hour going through the remains but couldn't find anything of use.

Giving up and thinking that he would have to steal clothes, he was about to leave when he saw that the tide was washing something black to the beach.

He looked and saw what looked like a body that was so burned that it was no longer recognizable, the only thing that could be said was its great size of 2.60 meters.

Holding the revolver firmly, Adryan pointed at the body, approaching slowly but when he got closer he proceeded to put the revolver back in its holster.

Obviously it was James who lost control but he was dead.

He said that because there was a huge piece of wood impaling him from his right hip until it came out of his left shoulder.

Analyzing his body there was nothing useful if there ever was, the explosion destroyed it.

He looked at James's left arm and noticed that it was covered in fur.

A little puzzled, he looked at it a little better but then he felt a strong pang in his head.

Realizing what it was, Adryan quickly moved as far away from the body as possible.

When a Beyonder loses control, it leaves a sealed artifact behind when it dies.

James's left arm was one of them and Adryan, being a normal person, had no way of dealing with it.

'I shouldn't touch it, but it's an artifact from a sequence 7 beyonder, it will be very dangerous for someone to find it and touch it' Quickly thinking of what to do, Adryan looked at the body from a good distance away, but something behind the body caught his attention.

It was a blue suitcase that was floating on the surface of the water so Adryan quickly went back into the water to pick it up.

Back on the beach away from James's body we can see how Adryan was trying to open the suitcase.

Being one with a lock with a four number combination Adryan wasn't going to spend his time trying all the combinations so he was hitting it with a rock.

After the fifth blow the lock finally broke allowing him to see what was inside.

It was a black suit with a white shirt, shoes and a cane.

There was also a wallet that contained 6 pounds and 13 solis.

This caused Adryan to burst into laughter and tears finally a bit of luck for him.

After the shit that happened as soon as he woke up, this certainly made him happy to tears.

He quickly dug a hole behind a tree and buried his old clothes there.

And then he quickly went into the water to wash off the blood better and changed into the black suit.

Picking up the suitcase, Adryan looked out over the ocean, trying to see if he could see Alice and Sarah.

But nothing else washed ashore so all Adryan could do was bow to the sea in honor of Alice and Sarah and the people who stayed inside the boat.

Hoping that their souls would find peace in the Divine Realm of their Gods and also hoping the blonde sisters survived but ended up on another island.

After that he quickly left the beach in the direction of the port...

After not a very long walk, he finally managed to get there, so quickly moving between the houses and towards what seemed to be a restaurant, he entered and sat down at one of the free tables.

The people there looked at him strangely but after that they ignored him. This calmed down Adryan greatly and once again he blessed his luck for the suitcase.

After a while, a waiter came to his table with a notebook ready to write down this redhead's order.

"Good Morning Sir Welcome to 'Green Lemon Restaurant' Is there anything you would like to order?"

When the waiter said that, he could see how the gentleman in front of him turned pale and his eyes widened.

Surprised by this, the waiter quickly spoke again, worried that the gentleman would go into cardiac arrest.

"Sir, are you okay, if you like, i will bring you a glass of water"

Adryan, still very stunned by the waiter's words, simply looked at him and asked.

"Sorry yes I'm fine but what did you say the name of the restaurant was?"

"Sir, this is the 'Green Lemon Restaurant', the most famous restaurant in all of Bansy Harbort"-

Was the proud response of the waiter.

"I would like lunch for the day and a glass of cold water please" - was Adryan's mechanical response.

The waiter noted down Adryan's order and bowed slightly.

"Perfect sir, I'll bring you your lunch in a while"

With that said the waiter went to deliver his order leaving Adryan alone again.

'Wasn't it that my luck had improved? Why of all places did I have to stop at Bansy Harbort?'-asked Adryan in his head, cursing his luck and thinking that as soon as he had lunch, he would try to buy the first boat ticket to get out of here.

Thunder and heavy rain started suddenly outside the restaurant and the waiters stopped everything they were doing and went to close the door and windows and put up barricades.

A man suddenly raised his voice.

"Listen everyone until the storm passes no one can go out so please those who have a room go to rest and those who do not have one will be provided by the restaurant"

'I'm an unlucky bastard' -was what Adryan thought with disdain