After a few days of traveling at sea, the ship finally reached its destination at 15:00 p.m.
Seeing the city, Adryan couldn't help but complain in his heart.
'When the book mentions that it had a yellowish fog and a horrible air I didn't think it would be so bad' He thought as he covers his mouth and nose with a napkin.
That's right, Adryan had come to Backlund and the main reason for that was to be able to grow and make some money.
Before he leaved the port he bought a newspaper from a boy for 1p.
Then he got on a public carriage that took him to the Backlund Bridge area.
Giving 3p to the driver, Adryan started looking for a particular bar...
"Bingo" he muttered when he saw a building with the sign he was looking for.
.... 'Bravehearts Bar'...
Quickly entering the bar Adryan walked up to the front and sat down in a vacant spot.
Looking sideways at the red-haired man who had just entered, the bartender approached while cleaning a cup.
"What do you want to drink?" the man asked bluntly.
"Southville Beer please" answered Adryan without caring about the man's attitude.
Nodding at the redhead's choice, the bartender quickly pulled a bottle from a cabinet behind him and poured Adryan a drink.
"Here 5 pence" taking the coins out of his wallet, Adryan extended his hand to pay the man.
The man reached out and picked up the coins, but before he could go to attend someone else, Adryan stopped him.
"I want to see the Old Man" - he said quietly to the bartender.
When he said this, the man's face became extremely serious and he stared at his face trying to scare him away.
'Who are you to look at me like that?
I got into a fight with a drug addict who had more fingers than teeth and I had the horrible face of a Werewolf inches from ripping my face off. Do you really think your bully grandpa face is going to scare me?'-Adryan insulted in his heart but his face remained calm .
After a while the bartender looked away and continued to clean another glass.
"Second floor, third door on the left"-was all he said.
Nodding, Adryan quickly grabbed the cup of Southville Beer and drank it all in one gulp before the bartender's stunned eyes.
There are advantages to having a party brother...
Slamming the empty cup on the table, Adryan quickly ran up the stairs and reached the aforementioned door.
Taking a deep breath to calm down a bit he opened the door and stepped inside.
It was a large room with a pool table in the center where some men were playing and there were other tables where others were playing cards.
All of them had a cold air about them except one.
It was a man who was at the pool table playing.
Seeing this, Adryan approached this man with calm steps before the cold eyes of all the other men.
"Good afternoon Mr. Old Man, I'm sorry to bother you but I require your services."- he said as he bowed in front of him.
"Who told you about me? - Completely ignoring what Adryan had said, he asked.
Smiling as he looked at the man, Adryan replied..
"Another old man"
When he said that, some of those who were playing cards put them down and began to stare at him while one began to growl at him.
The old man's eyebrows began to twitch but he took a breath and looked back at him.
"What do you want, I don't have all day" as he said that he returned his attention to the pool game and prepared to take his turn.
"I want you to introduce me to the extraordinary party to participate"- when he said that the old man hit one of the billiard balls and some of the men who were playing cards stood up.
Returning his attention to Adrian, the old man looked at him from head to toe multiple times and spoke while looking into his eyes.
"You're a little young to deal with that kind of people"
"It doesn't matter I want to attend"
"2 pounds" seing that Adryan didn't care about his opinion he gave a price.
Smiling, Adryan gave him the money and when the old man checked it and put it in his pocket, he looked at it again.
"You're in luck boy a party will be held in a few hours if you like you can wait here or come back at 20:00"
"I'll stay here if you don't mind" was all that Adrian answered while he sat down in a free chair and took out the newspaper he bought earlier to read it.
'I didn't think you were going to stay, nobody usually takes that option' was what the old man thought, looking at the redhead who was reading....
Obviously Adryan was going to take the option to stay after all he still didn't have a place to live....
After said hours, the elders turned to Adryan, who had already been reading the newspaper 7 times.
"Before we go tell me if you have something to cover your body and face"
"I don't have so I hope you sell that too, Mr.Old Man" - was Adryan's quick response.
The old man's eyebrows trembled again and he took another breath to calm down.
"1 pound for everything"
'Why don't you ask me to walk barefoot through broken glass?' he inwardly cursed at the price as he gave the Old Man the money.
Now he only had 12 soli left...
After obtaining the mask and cloak, Adryan and the old man left the bar through a back door and headed to the party venue.
Arriving in front of a metallic door in an alleyway, the old man approached and gave 3 short blows with an interval of 4 seconds between each one and 2 strong blows with an interval of 2 seconds.
After a few moments a man in a cloak and a mask that reached to the bridge of his nose opened the door.
They entered and the guard closed the door again....
In the center of the room there were several tables quite separated from each other, some were already occupied.
And in front of all of them was a masked man sitting watching as they all sat down in their places.
After 15 minutes and seeing that no one else arrived, the man in front got up from his chair and spoke.
"Seeing that some friends didn't make it, we'll start the party.
For the new members allow me to welcome you and introduce myself I am Mr. Eye of Wisdom"
'Finally'-was all Adryan thought with a smile when the party finally started.
It was time to make some money...