Chapter 25:Hunter Instincts

The meeting place for the escort was located 40 minutes from the place where the fat man was going to take his boat.

This brought several doubts to the redhead.

Why did he need so many people to escort him?

Why did it have to be in the middle of the night?

What was he so afraid that he didn't dare to slip away?

Despite being so far apart, Adryan could see how the fat man was looking everywhere as if he were a deer trying to see the wolf...

The guy had one hand inside his jacket like he was holding something...

Most likely it's a revolver but you never know.

It had barely been 5 minutes since they left and they moved too carefully.

The fatty undoubtedly messed with the wrong person and now he was trying to escape.

Looking around, Adryan could see that the gang that had the red bands were quite calm as if they didn't care about the fat man's behavior.

But they never took their eyes off the fat man's back...

'What a surprise they take it seriously'-Adryan insulted as he moved his gaze to the woman who was alone.

This girl gave him the chills because she was humming a little melody in a low voice but because of the sharp senses of the potion Adryan could hear her...

"13 children were walking through the forest...

Getting lost in the forest they did not see how the wolves were getting closer..."

'Crazy bitch'-keeping a greater distance from the woman Adryan looked at his temporary companions.

Sasha was looking around keeping alert for any possible attack while Nathan had one hand on his revolver ready to pull it out at any moment...

'I was not mistaken in accepting that offer'-Adryan thought calmly as they kept moving through the dark streets, gradually approaching their destination.

After 10 minutes without encountering a problem, Sasha gradually lowered her guard while Nathan still kept his hand on his revolver but was not attentive enough to pull it out quickly.

Even the fat man seemed to be calming down and took his hand out of his coat.

This period of calm affected everyone unconsciously and even Sasha tried to start a conversation with Adryan.

"And tell me, Mr. Chaplin, what motivated you to take on this escort assignment?"

Seeing no harm in responding, Adryan spoke.

"In order to take on more orders I need to have a better reputation in the bar and this order was recommended to me, what about you?"

"We need the money to be able to do some things here in Backlund so we decided to start with this"

Nodding at Sasha's words, Adryan simply decided to continue the conversation while he still had his guard up.

"So I wish you the best to achieve what you are looking for"

At Adryan's words, Nathan nodded as Sasha patted him hard on the back.

"Who knew that Mr. Chaplin was so nice and to think that he scared us at one point"

Ignoring Sasha's strong reaction, Adryan could only smile into his mask.

These people were quite nice to be around.

Before Adryan could continue the conversation he became aware of a huge problem around him.

It's very quiet...

What happened to the woman's song?

Realizing the problem, Adryan quickly pulled out his revolver.

This caused Sasha and Nathan to go on their guard.

Sasha pulled out a sword from her back while Nathan pulled out his revolver and they started looking around.

This caused the people in front to be surprised and turn to look at them.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?

We are so close to arriving why now you react like this, did a rat scare you?"

The fat man was strangely more aggressive with his group since they also took out their revolvers but they were pointed at them.

"Mr. Chaplin, what made you react like that?

Did a rat really scare him?"

Ignoring Sasha's words and her somewhat strong gaze, Adryan opened his mouth and said something that made everyone's blood run cold.

"Where is the woman who was alone?"

As soon as he said that, a shot rang out and hit the fat man's shoulder, causing him to drop his revolver.....

Adryan's group was 15 meters away from them.....

"AHHH MY SHOULDER DAMN BITCH YOU SHOOT ME, WHERE ARE YOU, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?-the fat man quickly held his shoulder to stop the bleeding without noticing the bloodthirsty gaze of the people around him...

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, FIND... W-what do you think you're doing"

Before the fat man could give his order, he saw how the red-banded gang and his own bodyguards raised their revolvers and pointed at him.

"Y-you're not supposed to h-do this and-I'm p-paying you to protect me so p-put down your-"

The fat man could never finish his words before a bullet hit him in the neck followed by another in the stomach and so on.

A hail of bullets rained down on the bastard and when they ran out of bullets they pulled out their knives and proceeded to stab the fat man's body.

When the hairs on the back of Adryan's neck rose he reacted quickly and charged at Sasha and Nathan knocking them out of the way just as 2 more shots rang out and hit where they stood.

He quickly aimed his revolver at where the shots came from, which was in the shadow behind them, and fired three quick shots.

The same woman from before rushed out of the shadows and managed to dodge the shots.

This quick succession of events caused Sasha and Nathan to go into shock due to the speed with which everything happened and they only reacted when Adryan pushed them.

Nathan wasted no more time and drew his revolver and Sasha drew her sword and stood guard against this unknown woman.

But before the 3 of them could attack her the sound of bodies hitting the ground rang out from behind them.

Quickly glancing behind him, Adryan managed to see a black-haired man with an extremely cold gaze and a knife in hand who was standing over the bodies of the bodyguards and the red-banded gang.

That icy, inhuman gaze sent shivers down Adryan, Sasha, and Nathan's spine.

But Adryan knew more than the two of them and held his revolver tighter in his right hand while he held his hunting knife in his left.

'Sequence 8 of 'Abyss' path: Cold Blooded !!!!!!'

The murderer who terrorizes Backlund was here...