Chapter 28:To provoke or to not provoke....

Walking away from the scene after dumping the body in the Tussock river, Adryan thought about what to do with these features.

While walking back home Adryan passed a Church of the Lord of the Storm.

Looking at the container in his hands, Adryan then looked at the church windows…..

'It would be so simple and I wouldn't have to deal with the problem of having this at home...'

Looking at the beautiful window of the church, Adryan really wanted to throw the container as if a stone went against the window....

Taking his gaze away from the beautiful window, Adryan fastened his steps to quickly reach his house, containing the urge to repeat what he did in Bansy.....

Arriving at his house, Adryan, as always, checked that the traps were unactivated.

Entering he went to the corridor between his bedroom and the bathroom and broke a plank on the floor leaving a good hole.

Then he put the characteristics and the documents inside the hole and covered it again...

He wouldn't put that where he cooked or where he slept...

Adryan then went into the bathroom and took a bath then went inside his room.

Looking at his face, Adryan could only sigh and grab the medical kit.

He started to treat his wounds and then when he got to the cut on his forehead Adryan could only gasp.

Grabbing the needle and thread, Adryan began to sew up her cut while growling…

Looking in the mirror, Adryan could only sigh.

'Who knew that hunter skills could be used for this....'

Wrapping a bandage around the cut area, Adryan went to sleep.

The next day, a Sunday, Adryan woke up and did the homework the Detective had given him.

It took him a while but now the redhead managed to learn the complete alphabet of Hermes and was able to understand the 10 sentences that Isengar asked of him...

It was 15:00 in the afternoon when he finished and Adryan made himself a simple lunch before removing the container and documents from where he hid them...

Looking at the 2 things in his hands, Adryan continued to have a pretty good idea of ​​what to do.

He didn't know if the correct choice would be to hand this over to Isengar and accumulate contribution points for future materials or to have it released through the sale of the Storm Lord's church.

This made Adryan lament that he did not have any extraordinary elements of the Seer's way.

This would make his decision extremely easy as he would only have to guess…

The hunter did not have any extraordinary means until sequence 7 and even then it was more for combat than to help him in these cases...

Shaking his head, Adryan did what occurred to him.

Bracing himself, Adryan went outside and headed to Bravehearts Bar...

When the bartender saw it, he just sighed and pointed to the second floor.

Adryan only apologized lightly to the bartender before going up to the second floor and standing in front of the door where the old man was.

Only this time Adryan hadn't come to talk to him.....

'I just hope his first reaction isn't to kill me...'

Sighing to calm his pounding heart, Adryan knocked on the door.

"Come in..."

When the door opened, the old man managed to see that it was the redhead and he couldn't help but sigh.

Adrian looked around the room and as usual he could see Maric playing cards with his zombies.

"Boy what do you want now?"

"I'm sorry old man but this time I'm not here to talk to you"

This caused the old man to be surprised and saw how the redhead grabbed a chair and sat down in front of the table where Maric was...

'This one wants to kill himself...'-was all the old man thought when he saw what the redhead was doing.

"Good afternoon, sir. Tell me, would you be interested in making a deal with me?"

Maric ignored him and he kept playing cards as if he wasn't there.

This didn't matter to Adryan so he continued...

"Come on sir, I promise you it will be quite an interesting one..."

"I'm not interested so go away"

Maric finally spoke to him but only to reject him.

Adryan could only sigh loudly.

This was exactly what he wanted to avoid, but the bo was going to leave with the document, it was too dangerous.

So he decided to go all in...

"I promise you that it is a deal that suits both of us, Mr. Maric"

At Adryan's words, Maric's pupils narrowed and he looked with barely contained malice at Adryan.

He then began to slowly rise from his chair at the same time as his zombies while Adryan didn't move a muscle.

"How do you know my name?" he spoke with a deep and hoarse voice approaching slowly.

"Don't worry about it Mr. Maric as I said I just want to make a deal with you if you allow me to show you what I offer..."

When Adryan put his left hand into his jacket to take out the documents, Maric reacted and he held his arm tightly, making Adryan grunt in pain.

"T-Th-There's no n-need to be like that, Mr. Maric, I just w-want to m-make a deal"-between grunts, Adryan moved his right arm much slower since the left one was still held by Maric.

When he took out the documents he waved them in front of Maric allowing him to see what they looked like.

He quickly took them from his hand and let go of his left arm as he began to read through the papers but his zombies were still standing looking at Adryan....

'It seems that he knows the method to decipher the documents, it was a good idea to come here'-while thinking that, Adryan was rubbing his left arm, which was left extremely sore by the force with which Maric grabbed it....

It would definitely leave a mark and he would have to wear a shirt to hide it unless someone thinks he likes it rough...

While Adryan waited for Maric to read all the documents, he failed to notice how a blonde lady was looking at him from the reflection of the window...


Hello everyone Author here

And here are the chapters of today.

Sorry again for the time I post them.

See you tomorrow and take care.