Chapter 63:News about the party

A pale white flame had been out as Sasha looked around trying to note any changes.

"The suggestion has been placed and as I swore it will be lifted 4 months from now"

Hearing those words, Sasha sighed as she put her hand to her forehead to try to calm down.

There was nothing different for her during the entire short process but according to the Father the suggestion had already been placed and this feeling scared her a little.

What kind of ability is capable of doing this without the victim noticing?

Observing Sasha's state from the side, Adryan only sighed slightly as he got an idea of ​​what was going through the woman's head...

'Beware of the Spectator...'

One would never realize that the 'Spectator' had affected them even if it was right under their nose.

Klein was one of the best examples of how dangerous and broken this path is,he was controlled and he only realized it when it was too late and even his projection was affected...

A cold sweat ran down his back so before thinking about things that would cause problems he talked to Sasha.

"Since everything is ready, I'm going to leave you so that you can work in peace. If you have a problem, you know who to call."

An awkward smile remains on Sasha's face as she squints at Father Utravsky who is guarding the candle as she answers.

"See you later boss"

Nodding and saying goodbye to the Father, Adryan left the church leaving the two giants alone.

Sasha felt her heart restless as she looked at the Father, he simply took out a rag from his robe and a well-folded note and extended them to her.

"Start by cleaning the candle holders"

Grabbing the rag and the note from the Father's hands she headed for one of the candle holders as she unfolded the note and read what it held.

Seeing that it was the formula, she could only sigh in relief as she kept it in her robe while she began to clean.


"I'm glad you could come today Adryan there are several things that would be good to tell you"

The redhead was right now in the club along with Isaac, Charles and Viktor who had been there since very early.

He had come here because he had nothing to do at home and also because he was too bored.

He even thought about buying a chess set to play at home but then he remembered that Roselle had never 'published' this game and the only ones who knew of its existence were the Emperor himself and his daughter....

Not wanting to attract the attention of unwanted people, he might have to settle for buying a guitar.

Putting those thoughts aside he returned his attention to Isaac who had spoken and seemed excited.

"Looks like something happened"

"Something is falling short, good friend, the preparations for this Saturday's party have finished"

A pair of red brows were raised as a slight exclamation left Adryan's mouth.

"May I know the details?"

"Of course you are going to attend after all, the party will be held in the mansion of one of the nobles of the Stanley club who is famous for being a collector of many things related to the occult"

Adryan narrowed his eyes slightly at this information which made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Could you tell me more about this noble?"

Isaac and Viktor let out a small laugh while Charles just gave a light grunt.

"He is quite a personality even among the members of the Stanley club, his name is Dutch Willson and he is the eldest son of one of the members of the New Party, he is quite intelligent but also has a very heavy interest in what is related to mysticism"

After Isaac said that Viktor gave another loud laugh as he drank some more wine.

"Recently there was a rumor that he managed to obtain the remains of a very special and rare creature but no more is known."

At this Charles growled loudly as he took a long drink from his glass.

"Surely he wants to use the party to show off whatever he found but I assure you that it is ridiculous,if the rumors are true those remains should be studied by science instead of being in the private collection of some nobleman accumulating dust"

An awkward laugh escaped Adryan as Isaac and Viktor laughed loudly at the small outburst from the ever-serious Charles.

"Leaving that aside, the party will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and the invitations will be sent out on Wednesday morning, Adryan advice when you attend make sure you arrive at least 10 minutes late"

At Isaac's reminder, Adrian now let out a loud laugh, he remembered this curiosity of the nobles,although he was not strange to this practice,after all he was once a Latino and attending parties late was an obligation unless one would like to help set up the tables.

So he nodded to Isaac's words as he answered.

"Don't worry, I'll take it into account"

As he drank some more wine, Isaac's next words made him choke on it.

"Besides try to get a good suit to attend"

Viktor laughed at how the redhead was coughing while Charles continued to complain about the nobles.

Adryan just sighed with his head down as he tried to think about what outfit he would wear but he also had a problem with that.

How would he manage to defend himself if he couldn't take his materials with him, right now his jacket was one that he had modified to hide tripwires along with the different types of bullets and his hunting knife.

It was a good jacket but not ideal for the party where nobles would attend.

The new suit was not going to allow him to carry many things not even his knife apart from not being able to bring weapons to the party but he would at least like to have something to defend himself...

He needed something hidden and that no one would suspect that in turn could protect him when the time came...

An idea flashed in his head at the thought of a certain creed and a dangerous smile formed on his face...