Yesterday at 18:50 after the fight in the Bar....
Moving through the poor streets of the East Borough, a woman was running non-stop until she came to a run-down building and entered.
Climbing up the old stairs she reached a room at the back and entering this she closed the door with some force which woke up a little girl who was sleeping.
"Mommy, what is happening..." was what the little girl said when she saw what her mother was doing.
This girl was quite thin with brown hair and eyes with a few freckles on her nose dressed in a worn and patched dress, she was hugging a very old teddy bear that was unstitched in several places and had one eye missing while sitting on a mattress on the floor.
"Finally we will leave this place my little princess" was what the mother said as she put what little they had in a bag.
This woman could not be more than 24 years old and she was wearing a tight dress that showed her figure as well as makeup that gave her a sensual air, she had brown hair and eyes as well as freckles on her cheeks.
"I don't understand mommy..." said the girl yawning as she got up and approached the woman.
"That we can now leave this place, we can finally have a life," the woman replied as she hugged her daughter and lifted her up in her arms.
"Okay..." the girl didn't understand what her mother said because she just rested her head on the woman's shoulder and went back to sleep.
Humming softly, the woman gently stroked her daughter's back before placing the girl back on the old mattress and covering her with the thin blanket.
Opening her hand she saw that the 10 pound was still on it and it made her smile.
'Finally we saved enough Mom we can go....' Moving to a corner of the room the woman picked up a plank and reaching in the empty space she pulled out a small box.
Opening it, she saw how there were many 1 soli bills and others of 5 soli, if you counted all the money you would know that there were around 20 pounds, placing the 10 pound bill in the box she put it back in its hiding place.
Putting the plank back in its place, the woman went to bed with her daughter and lay down. The little girl, feeling the new source of heat, moved to her and hugged her.
This caused a small smile to form on the woman's face who returned the hug but the smile didn't last long and was replaced by a worried face.
'After what happened in the bar it's too dangerous to go out today I'll have to wait a couple of days for things to calm down'
With that last thought, the woman also closed her eyes and fell asleep hugging her daughter.
They had already had their meal for the day earlier which had consisted of brown bread and water...
Opening her eyes, the mother saw that the red moon was no longer so high in the sky, so she got up and trying not to wake up the girl, she changed into more conservative clothes, grabbed some money from the box and left.
Although it was too early, you could still see how workers were already going to work with dead expressions.
Arriving at a small shop that had already opened in the East Borough and she bought some cookies along with brown bread and slices of meat.
These cookies were simple and tasteless and the meat was dried meat but for the woman this was already a luxury that she could not afford.
'Thanks to that kind gentleman now I can leave this place and I can also give you something good Mantis' holding the bag in her hands the woman felt some looks on her and having experience in the looks of men she moved faster towards her room .
The worker who was looking at the woman who was carrying the bag just looked away again and continued on his way to his work, he couldn't waste time....
Returning to the old building and going up the stairs, the woman reached her room and opened the door.
The Mantis girl had already gotten up and was playing with her teddy bear with a small smile and seeing her mother she hugged the bear and went to help him with the door.
"Thank you princess" the woman said to the girl as she placed the bag of food on an old table.
"Mommy you didn't thank Mr. Fluff" the girl said with puffy cheeks as she held the teddy bear up in front of her mother who let out a small laugh.
"I'm sorry Mr. Fluff please forgive me" she said bowing a little and the Mantis girl nodded to this and made her teddy bear do the same, then she brought the teddy bear's snout to her ear and pretended to hear something for a few moments.
"Aha yes yes, it's ok Mr. Fluff I'll tell mommy what you told me" pulling her ear away and hugging the bear Mantis again, she turned to her mother who was looking at all this with a gentle smile.
"Mommy, Mr. Fluff says that he will forgive you but only if..." Mantis said but she didn't finish speaking, but instead she remained silent, following the game her mother asked her.
"How can I make Mr. Fluff forgive me Mantis?" asked the mother to which the girl just smiled big at her mother.
"You have to give me a big hug!!!" the girl said with laughter and her mother responded in the same way as she dropped to one knee and spread her arms wide.
"Of course I can comply with that" said the mother and Mantis just ran to her mother and hugged her with one arm while holding Mr. Fluff in the other.
Closing her arms the mother hugged her daughter lovingly and lifted her up causing Mantis to laugh more.
"You know, Mantis, I brought you a surprise" the woman said mysteriously, making her daughter's eyes shine.
"A surprise? tell me tell me" said the girl as she jumped into her mother's arms.
"Of course, let me grab it" he said as he carefully lowered Mantis and went to grab the bag he had brought.
Opening the bag she took out the cookies but the woman hid them behind her back and approached her daughter while humming.
"Mommy tell me what the surprise is" said Mantis who was already jumping where she was standing while hugging Mr. Fluff tightly, this made the mother let out a good laugh..
"Here's your heart, I hope you enjoy it," said the mother as she handed over the cookies.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH MOMMY" the girl said with extreme joy as she grabbed the cookies and opening them she grabbed one and began to eat it and her mom just sat in a chair while she saw this.
"Remember that you have to eat slowly, Mantis, you have a soft tummy" said the woman as she watched her daughter eat.
Finishing eating the first cookie, Mantis grabbed another one and passed it to her mom.
"Mommy they are delicious you have to try them!!!"
"Mantis, these are for you, you don't have to give them to me" the mother gently rejected but this only made Mantis puff out her cheeks and get closer to her mother.
"They are mine and I want to share them with you" she said as she placed the cookie on her mother's lips causing her to open her mouth allowing her daughter to feed her.
"See mommy, they're really delicious" Mantis said with a huge smile and her eyes bright with joy.
"Yes, they are delicious" said the mother while looking at her daughter.
'Everything you give me will be delicious, even if it is salt water that will be delicious if you give it to me'