Chapter 50:Saturday

'There goes another 10 pounds' Adryan thought in defeat as he adjusted his shirt.

Looking in the mirror, the black tuxedo that he had bought fit him very well and although it was quite good, it was not close to the comfort that Adryan felt with the suit that he wore to the party.

'Now there is only one thing left'Adryan thought as he went to the bathroom and closing the door he sat on the toilet and redraw the sphere of light.

Entering the City of Calamities, the first thing the redhead did was control the yellowish smoke so that it would form his appearance with the new black suit.

After that he sent his spirituality to the golden dust on his arm and the screen re-formed and he could see the soldier in the bathroom and with a rather large bag by his side.

'Perfect now the change will not be suspicious'

Seeing the bag, Adryan nodded and spoke aloud.

"Soldier, this is the suit you have to wear" he said as he pointed the screen at the figure he had created and saw that the soldier nodded.

Then the soldier undressed, carefully folding the clothes and placing them in the sink, he closed his eyes and his whole body below his neck caught fire for a few seconds.

That only lasted a few seconds and when the fire was extinguished the soldier was now wearing an exact copy of Adryan's suit who looked at all this with a quivering eyebrow.

'Thank you for taking off my clothes before doing that' Adryan thought and he spoke again.

"We will meet in the alley 4 blocks from the cemetery"

"Yes my Lord" replied the soldier saluting and with that Adryan cut the connection and the golden dust wrapped around his arm again.

With all that done, Adrian left the Sefirot and returning to his body in the bathroom, the redhead just sighed before leaving the bathroom and grabbing a pocket watch from the living room table along with a metal bottle.

Placing the Hangover Time in his right pocket and opening the metal bottle he took a sip and feeling the familiar taste of wine, the redhead closed the bottle and put it in a pocket of his suit.

Touching his shoe and his left forearm, Adryan nodded and with all that done he grabbed his cut off black windbreaker and modified mask and left Nathan and Sasha's house on his way to the meeting place.



"Cheer up Kevin, today is the last day of this hellish job" Alicia said happily while Kevin just shook his head with a small smile.

Both were still on the roof where they were observing the so-called Adryan Kenway during these almost 2 weeks.

"Let's focus on fulfilling this last day and we can have a well-deserved day of rest"he said as he watched as Adryan came out of his house dressed in a black suit and a red flower in his hand.

"Lead the way" Alicia said as she pointed to the stairs they used to go up and Kevin could only sigh before going down being followed by a smiling Alicia.

'Beauty spa here I come!' the woman thought happily as she followed Kevin


Now she was frowning and she looked as if she had smelled something very repulsive while Kevin had a hand on his forehead in defeat.

"No again..."

"HOW THE FUCK DOES HE DO IT" Alicia yelled as she slammed her foot against the alley wall as Kevin let out another sigh of defeat.

They had followed Adryan to the South Borough where they lost his trail again after turning into an alley.

"RIGHT ON THE LAST DAY THE CAPTAIN IS GOING TO KILL US" Alicia yelled, extremely frustrated as she gave another kick to the wall.

Knowing that the best thing to do was to wait for his partner to calm down, Kevin simply looked around trying to understand where the redhead could have gone.

Suddenly at the end of the alley on the other side of the street he could see his target walking calmly still with that red flower in his hand.

"ALICIA" he called his partner while pointing to Adryan and the woman looked where he was pointing and the frown she had softened quite a bit.

"What are you waiting for!!!" Alicia answered as she ran towards the end of the alley being followed by Kevin who was confused.

'Really how does he do that? A moment ago he was here and now he's there'

Before he could continue thinking, Alicia stopped and surprised by this Kevin also stopped and looked at his partner who looked somewhat uncomfortable.

Looking in the direction where his partner was looking, Kevin saw how Adryan was entering Aston Cemetery which made him feel somewhat uncomfortable as well.

Looking at each other, Alicia and Kevin only let out a sigh before entering the cemetery following the redhead who came to a funeral that was being held.



Arriving at the funeral site, Adryan just took a quick look around and saw how Isengar was sitting in a chair not far from the coffin with a blue flower in his hand.

As they had discussed before, Isengar didn't even turn to look at him and Adryan could only thank him for this.

There was hardly anyone at Grievius's funeral, the only ones there being Isengar, Adryan, the pastor, and the one in charge of lowering the coffin.

Looking again at the coffin, the redhead could see how Grievius was lying inside with his well-groomed mustache and a new monocle over his left eye and now wearing a black suit.

'It seems that his body was treated so that it could last longer,' Adryan thought as he couldn't smell any kind of odor related to decomposition.

This he can only thank the Corpse Collector who was in charge of taking Grievius's body last time.

Closing his eyes and taking a breath, Adryan took a seat not far from Isengar.