Chapter 58:The Fuck?

Adryan was still sitting on the sofa in his dark living room being illuminated by the beautiful scarlet light of the moon and in his left hand he had the beautiful Hangover Time pocket watch.

*Click* *Clack* *Click*

Which he was continuously opening and closing as he rested his head on his right hand and his red eyes reflect the moonlight looking as if they were shining like two rubies against the sun.

*Clack* *Click* *Clack*

'The Tarot Club will be formed in a few hours and I have to find a way to join...'

'I've already formed a working relationship with Glaint so it shouldn't be too difficult to meet Miss Justice…I also have a strange relationship with Xio being Mr. Holmes…'

"If I play my cards right I could join before Zhou dies for the first time in September but it has to be during this time since after that he will have PTSD and it will be very difficult for him to accept me afterwards..."


Closing the pocket watch for the last time, the redhead only gave a soft sigh as he looked at the darkness of his room.

'After all I've done in the East Borough things should be calmer around here so it should be safe to contact Glaint and Dutch'

'To contact Glaint write your request in an envelope sealed with a blue seal, go to the Moon Reflection and hand the envelope to a guard with short gray hair saying it is for Mr. V...'

Letting out a light laugh, Adryan couldn't help but sneer at this curious method.

"Well I think it makes sense that Glaint doesn't want anyone to know that he's doing business with an illegal."

Said the redhead as he shook his head.

"It's not like Dutch's method is any less annoying," he said, remembering how he should contact the collector.

'Write what you need on a note and put it inside a newspaper that is wrapped with a red thread, give the newspaper to the guard of his house and that's it.'

"Well at least it's faster" Adryan whispered as he went to his kitchen to make himself more coffee.

'In the afternoon I'll go check out Bravehearts Bar in case Glaint or Dutch wrote me anything in these weeks'

'Also the weeks off that teacher Isengar gave me are over so it's time to go back to his classes...'

Warming up the milk Adryan just sighed as the night passed...


The red moon slowly fell on the horizon and the sun came out welcoming Monday morning.

Adryan was just now going into his kitchen to prepare his breakfast before heading out to visit Bravehearts Bar.

'This time it will be some eggs and white bread accompanied by coffee' he thought as he grabbed 3 eggs and some slices of bread and this time he started to heat water for his coffee.

Placing a little butter in the pan, the redhead broke the shell of the egg with the edge of the pan and dropped the egg and tossed the shell in the trash.

So he repeated with the other 2 and to finish he toasted the white bread in the same pan.

Serving some of the hot water in a cup, the redhead placed 3 tablespoons of powdered coffee and 1 1/2 of sugar then began to stir vigorously, when the mixture took on a lighter color he began to pour more water until it was almost full and let it rest for a while.

Then he started to stir slowly until foam was formed and then finally he poured some milk while stirring slowly.

Reaching into his pocket, Adryan pulled out Hangover Time and opening it he saw the time.

"6:40 a.m the bar should already be open..."

With the coffee ready and his food on his plate, Adryan brought everything to the table and sat down to eat.


In a space covered in a gray, hazinnes, vague and endless haze there was a man whose body language seemed to be confused.

The man was looking how in the gray mist that flowed like water it was covered with a lot of crimson 'stars'. Some of them enormous and others tiny.

The man looked at this almost holographic sight in amazement until something else caught his eye apart from these crimson stars and that was a single and solitary flame floating next to him, this flame was as red as blood but seemed to be stained with a black colour.

Half-confused and half-exploring he reached out to this flame and found that he couldn't feel its heat.

So he reached his hand even closer until he touched it and this flame pulsed and grew into a torrent of red and black fire, this scared the man who pulled his right hand away in a panic but accidentally touched this time 2 crimson stars which exploded into crimson.


Adryan was about to take a sip of his coffee when he felt a jerk that froze him.

"What the fuck?"

Suddenly a crimson light glowed on his neck and then engulfed him completely.



Adryan barely regained his sight and saw that he was in a fog of gray mist.

'Impossible!!' thought the redhead completely astonished and looking to his sides he saw that behind him there were the blurred figures of what seemed to be a man and a woman.

They both looked terrified but behind them was a figure that was shrouded in gray mist.

"What the fuck" this time Adryan spoke causing the man and woman to look at him.

They also looked at this man who seemed just as lost as them and then they realized he was looking behind them, turning around they saw in surprise the figure covered in gray mist.

"Sir, where is this?"

The man and woman were startled at first,falling silent in the process.Then,they immediately started speaking in unison.

"What are you planing in doing?"

While this was happening only one thing was going through Adryan's mind who was in shock.

'What the fuck is going on?!!!'