Chapter 75:Dinner

'The robe is loose-fitting, it's quite similar to the ones used in the Harry Potter live action.....'

The robe was quite similar to the one worn by the students of the Hogwarts school from the famous book Harry Potter.

'Maybe a name that has a connection to that book wouldn't be bad...' the redhead thought as he put his hand to his chin and thought deeply.

'My robe's abilities if I see it in a certain way is similar to the in the fact that they both hide the wearer but that name doesn't seem to fit mine....'

"The is one of the three Deathly Hallows...Deathly Hallows....Hallows.…" Adryan muttered as an idea hit him and he just smiled sharply.

"What better name for my robe than Hunters Hallow?" Adryan said amused as he let out a soft laugh.

This robe was an item with extremely useful abilities, it would be an injustice if it didn't have a heavy name and he thinks that Hunters Hallow is perfect for it.

Over simplifying according to the legend of the book is part of a trio of objects that were created by Death for three brothers, these objects of enormous power were called Death Hallows.

The robe if it really was created by the bastard who brought him here and this bastard was the Top of the Hunter pathway then it was worthy that the robe to be baptized .

"With that done..." the redhead said calmly as he extended his hand towards a floating flame and after sending spirituality it grew until it formed a door of flames, behind that door he could see himself kneeling and in front of him, well bent was his Mr Holmes clothes.


Opening his eyes in his bathroom and seeing that nothing had been forgotten, Adryan nodded and grabbed a change of clothes that was hanging on the side.

Putting on a simple shirt and pants he left the bathroom and went to his room while yawning.

"I won't get up until 9:00...." the man said sleepily while scratching his eye.

Entering his room, Adryan sat on his bed, in his hand was Hangover Time, which he placed on the nightstand next to the Origami.

He grabbed a container that was on the nightstand, pulling the Burnt Band out of his pocket. Adryan placed it inside and sealing the container with a wall of spirituality he placed it under his bed.

He also took out his metal bottle and placed it next to the pocket watch, with that done he covered himself with his blanket and after a hard day he finally slept.



He opened his eyes a little confused, looking around, Adryan saw that he was in a walled courtyard, the house was a little further back, he also saw that there was a long table in the middle of it.

The table had a tablecloth with details of snowmen, red ribbons and little bells.

On top of this table was a large amount of food consisting of Russian salad, creamed potato, baked meat, grilled chicken, etc.

"This is?" Adryan said in astonishment finding it hard to believe what he was seeing.

Before he could do anything he heard footsteps coming from the house and looking towards the door he saw a large group of people coming out.

Leading the group was a couple,a man and woman who appeared to be in their forties.

The woman looked quite good for her age, she was about 1.63m tall, with naturally tanned skin, dark brown eyes, and dyed dark brown hair, although slightly overweight.

The man was of average height, barely 1.70m, he had gray hair and looked like he was almost completely bald, he had a beer belly like most dads.

"Mom Dad..." Adryan whispered longingly, he quickly walked towards them and when he extended his hand to touch them but it passed through them as if they were an illusion.

When this happened he could only lower his head while chuckling in defeat.

"Right, this is just a memory..." the redhead said painfully as he raised his head again and looked at the rest of the group who were sitting at the table.

He saw himself, that is, his body as Joa and sitting in front of him was Cruyff.

Adryan looked at his brother who was unaware of his presence and he was helping himself to several portions of food on his plate, Cruyff never liked vegetables so he only served baked meat and grilled chicken.

This made him just let out a sad laugh while his eyes watered and he scratched them with his hand, he didn't want to miss anything so he was holding back the tears.

Next to Cruyff was a man who was in his late 30's, he had a bald spot in the middle of his black hair, he was someone 1.75m tall and from what his shirt showed from his chest, he was quite hairy.

"Nice to see you again Bigfoot" there was a lot of sadness in his tone but Adryan tried to say it as provocative as he could as he had always insult his uncle.

Obviously his Uncle was also unaware of his presence and he just opened a can of Budwieser and took a long sip.

"Hugo put down the gasoline, we haven't prayed yet." joked the woman sitting next to her uncle.

This was a woman who was in her mid-thirties with dyed blonde hair and brown eyes.

She was his uncle's girlfriend, Jazmin, they had been dating for about three years and their wedding was supposed to be in February of the following year.

"Hugo please" this time it was his mom who spoke and his uncle just gave an awkward laugh as he lowered the can.

"Sorry Rocio"

"Always at the worst moments" his body said with false disappointment and his uncle only gave him a look while Cruyff let out a small laugh.

"Enough, Joa Hugo stop your game" this time it was his dad who spoke and Joa just nodded and then he bowed his head while clasping his hands in front of him.

All the others did the same...

Seeing that calm returned to the table and that everyone was already in a position to pray, his father nodded and lowering his head with his eyes closed, he began to pray.

"Thank God for another day of life that you give us, thank you for making it possible for all of us to meet at this Christmas dinner, there are people who could not attend and we ask you to please take care of them...."