Chapter 150: Harvest

Between laughs, giggles, and silent grunts, the last bit from a jealous Flora, the trio arrived at Rose Street after 50 minutes.

They would have arrived 20 minutes later if it wasn't for Opera asking Adryan to move faster.

The redhead had no problem pleasing this curious lady.

Leaping from the roof of a house and landing in front of his goal, Adryan carefully lowered Opera who was still laughing happily.

"That was amazing James! I didn't know a person could move so fast and with such agility! We have to do this again!" Opera giggled as she adjusted her soft hat that had almost blown off.

She looked around the entire street in wonder.

'This is different to East Borough!' she thought ecstatic.

The streets were much cleaner, there was no rotten smell in the air and best of all!

She could see the moon!

Her blood-red eyes gazed up at the moon in wonder, her mouth hanging slightly.

Seeing how Opera was acting made the redhead chuckle softly.

"Someday Opera, someday" he said mysteriously as he approached the front door of the small golden cathedral.

Opera turned from looking at the moon and quickly followed Adryan, her heels making a light Tap Tap Tap.

"James, what are we doing here? This looks like a church but it's very small..." Opera said curiously, her blood-red eyes looking up at the small cathedral.

"It's the Harvest Church, it's a church that believes in the Earth Mother." Adryan explained calmly as they reached the front door.

Opera nodded and turned her head, her attention now on the sacred emblem of life that was on the façade.

The symbol was a baby surrounded by the symbols of wheat, flowers, and spring water.

Adryan saw this and noticed how Opera's eyes seemed to sparkle with curiosity, this made him sigh internally very relieved.

'This is good, change your wonder to Earth Mother and you'll be fine, right now believing in the moon is not a very good idea...'

'Besides the Earth Mother is the previous Moon so you just followed her to her new identity.' the redhead joked internally.

He raised his hand and knocked twice on the door, not waiting for an answer he grabbed the handle of the door and pushed it open, he entered unhurriedly.

Opera, who had looked away from the baby, looked a little stunned at what the man had done.

"Hey James what are you doing?! You can't go in like this! It's a church!" she whispered in alarm, Adryan turned and tilted his head, he replied unimportantly.

"But I knocked on the door before entering so there's no problem"

Opera was stunned.

"But James!" she said quietly in disbelief.

"The door is open for all" he added as a matter of fact.

Opera was speechless.

"And what we do here is simple, this is your new home" Adryan continued with a smile under his mask.

Opera's expression broke, her face went completely flat.

"James, have you lost your mind?"

Adryan just smiled under his mask and said nothing, the sound of heavy footsteps had reached his ears.

He turned his head to the side, this action confused Opera who looked to where Adryan was looking.

A giant man came calmly walking out of the corridor at the end.

Despite the brown cleric clothing he was wearing, she could see how the man was a mountain!

"Would it be possible to know what are you doing here at this hour?" Utravsky asked trying to make his voice sound calm but ended up coming out a bit harsh.

This scared Opera who hid behind Adryan.

Seeing the woman's movement, Adryan's eyebrow began to twitch but he let it go.

He looked at the father and spoke in his natural voice.

"It's been a while, Father, I'm sorry to bother you at such times, but I couldn't think of anyone better for this than you."

The Father's body visibly relaxed and his eyes softened a bit more.

"So it was you. I'm glad to see you're doing well, may I know why you brought that lady here?" Utravsky asked, his voice now calmer than before.

He didn't say Adryan's name and this made the redhead smile.

'As expected from an experienced Beyonder! He decided to play along with me! Good job Father!'

"I would like her to work here in the church with you and Sasha in exchange for her living here." He did not mince words and told the Father the reason for his visit.

The mental state of the Father did not allow him to play as he wanted so he had to control himself to avoid provoking the man.

Utravsky closed his eyes for a moment and let out a soft sigh, he then opened them and looked at Opera in detail for a few seconds.

He then nodded.

"It won't be a problem, Miss, could you tell me your name please?" Utravsky spoke softly, not wanting to scare the woman any further.

Opera didn't move or say anything, this made Adryan sigh and he turned around a bit and gently stroked Opera's head.

"Father Utravsky is a trustworthy man, you don't have to be afraid of him" he consoled Opera who after a few moments nodded slightly.

She broke away from Adryan and stood next to him, a bit nervous.

"My name is Opera, I'm sorry I bothered you at this time Father" she introduced herself and apologized, curtsying.

Utravsky's expression softened, he nodded with a small smile.

"Don't worry little one, the doors of the Church are always open for everyone"

These words made Opera's eyebrows tremble but before the woman could say anything the Father continued.

"Are you sure you want to stay and work here? You will have to follow certain rules and learn the Earth Mother's bible. Are you fine with this?"

Opera didn't say anything, she turned to look at Adryan looking for an answer.

At this, the redhead shook his head.

"I can't make this decision for you." he said seriously.

'I'm sure I could always drop you off at an Evernight Goddess Church Orphanage, I'm sure they're understaffed with so many babies around.' the redhead quickly thought of a plan B in case Opera rejected the Father's offer.

At Adryan's words, Opera pouted a little but said nothing.

She just lowered her head and began to think about what to do.

She then looked up and looked at the Sacred Symbol of Life that was on the altar, she stared at this symbol for a few minutes.

Neither Adryan nor Utravsky said anything, giving the woman time to think.

After a while Opera nodded determinedly, her blood-red eyes turned to look at Father Utravsky.

"I accept Father"

The giant nodded with a soft look.

"It's good to hear that, Opera. I welcome you to the Church of the Earth Mother."

He said calmly, placing his hands in front of his mouth and nose, fingers interlocked and palms empty. This was the prayer posture of the Church of the Earth Mother.

Opera, not knowing what to do, made a soft bow in response to what the father was doing, to her eyes it looked like he was about to sneeze.

Ignorant of Opera's thoughts, Utravsky lowered his hands with a soft smile.

"We'll talk about how you'll adjust to this, now it's too late and I'm sure you're tired, at the end of this corridor there is an extra room, that will be your room from now on."

Opera turned to look at Adryan with a concerned expression.

Adryan nodded gently.

"Remember, Father Utravsky is a trustworthy man, he will take care of you."

Opera opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but nothing came out so she closed it.

After a few seconds, she was finally able to ask.

"Will you come to see me?"

This question took the redhead by surprise.

Controlling his body to keep from showing a reaction, he chuckled softly and nodded.

"I may not be able to come very often but you'll be working with a friend of mine, if you have something to tell me just deliver a letter to her and she'll deliver it to me." he explained calmly, patting her gently on the head.

"Now go, it's late and I'm sure you're tired."

Opera just nodded, she started to walk to her room but before taking the 4th step she stopped, she turned around and quickly approached Adryan and gave him a big hug burying her head in the man's chest.

"Thank you..." she whispered very softly but still Addyan was able to hear it.

She then broke away from Adryan and ran into the hallway without looking back.

Adryan looked stunned for a few moments but he quickly recovered and watched as Opera headed into the corridor.

"Flora, it's not necessary to go back into her dream to take away the idea, right?" the redhead whispered, barely above a breath.

"First, like I'm going to walk in again you bastard. Second, I can drop the idea anytime I want just tell me when and it's done." Flora said with a shiver.

Being unknowingly infected and having to pray to a Hidden God to be cleansed was enough of a night for her.

After praying to 'Him' she wouldn't dare to call 'Him' an Evil God!

That was a death wish!

Besides, she didn't even want to be close to that woman, nor did she want that woman to be close to what is rightfully hers!

"Then wait until we get to the hotel to put the idea down, by then Opera should be asleep."

"Fine by me." Flora said happily.

Adryan shook his head, he then turned to look at Utrasky.

"One last thing, Father Utravsky, I would like you to give Sasha something from me."

"It won't be a problem" Utravsky agreed calmly.

Adryan took a goatskin parchment and his red fountain pen from his jacket and wrote something quickly.

He folded the parchment three times and handed it to Utravsky who tucked it into his robe without looking.

Adryan then put a hand to his chest and bowed.

"Have a good night Father."

Utravsky nodded slightly.

"You too Adryan"

The redhead didn't say anything else, he just left the church.