Chapter 81: Yoze's Invitation

Yoze frowned at Jasmine's declaration of the case being solved. Even though he knew that she was right from her perspective but as the client, this is not even close to what he wanted.

"I appreciate everyone's work on the investigation but this is hardly a satisfying ending. From what I know as the client is that I hired you to find two people. And after a month you have claimed that you have found them but you don't know where they are. This can't be considered a successful case." 

"Is that what you think? We have proof that we found them." Jasmine said.

"If you have proof that they have been found I'm willing to pay to continue the investigation for you to help me catch them or at least meet them." Knowing that keeping the investigation alive was the best way to catch his targets Yoze told them up front that he was willing to pay.