Chapter 146: The Giant Scholar

Back at the New Swampscott City West gate, a long line of people had already turned hoping to be able to get into the city. Travelers, scholars, martial artists, and ordinary people had lined up all night to not lose their spots in line.

This was an ordinary sight to the guards at the West gate. At each gate were two guards who wore leather armor with the symbol of the City engraved on their chest plate and shoulders. 

As a high-paying job, many guards signed up were martial artists that had given up on reaching higher levels. Whether it was due to a lack of talent, not enough resources, or a simple unwillingness to keep up with the harsh training requirements numerous martial artists choose to simply give up.

Jack was one of the many guards who were ex-martial artists but unlike others, he didn't give up on training as a martial artist because he wanted to. He simply couldn't after losing his arm due to a battle with his rival.