Chapter 6 Pushed to the edge

I was traumatised. I was motionless. I looked as my mum's body splits in half and fell on the table. I didn't know if I should cry or scream. I squeezed the gems in my hand. I didn't care if it was hurting. Now that my family is dead, my life means nothing. I just kept squeezing the gems as blood dripped from my palms. I opened my hand and looked at the gems that have be stained with my blood. This bastard has gone too fall. I didn't know where the courage came from, but it was there, telling me to confront the son of a bitch. "Come out. Come and get me. What, you scared of mere stones" I said as I threw them outside. "Well they are gone. Come and get me you piece of shit" I shouted as tears kept rolling down my cheek.

       I looked around me but there was no sign of him. "Well what are you waiting for. Come and get me" I kept yelling. "Well, you made a terrible mistake by throwing those stones away" the demon said. I smiled and turned around. "You're here you bastard" I said in a low tune. "You became so courageous. You're not the frightened little Bella I use to know" He said. "What more can I be frightened about. You killed my family and you're still expecting me to be frightened? You're such an ass hole" I said right to his very face. I wasn't scared of him anymore. I wasn't scared of his horns, I wasn't scared of his eyes, I wasn't scared of his claws, I wasn't scared of his fangs. Nothing about him scares me. "You just made things easier for me Bella. Do you think I just kill random people? Families are my preys and not just any family. Families that are bond with the strength of love. And their blood feeds me with the strength in need. A complete group of people, united with a powerful bond, group of people that have the same blood running through their veins. We want to be part of your world, we want to be able to come into your world and be free to take as much blood as we want. And you're finally giving me the opportunity without stressing me. You just made the  fifth and finally family that I needed to be complete" the demon explained.

       I became confused. Wait, he had been looking for a complete families or I should say he had got four complete families and he needs a final one so he could be able to come to our world? "Sounds funny right? But after I finish the last family, the strength in their blood and union will give me the power I need to open doors between your world and our world" He said. I drew myself backwards. So this was his plan all this while how fast he was to get five families in just to days. "You know, I really watch my preys closely. Your friend molie is lucky that his father is no more, that pervert. He was the one that trapped me, and his daughter freed me. Ironic, isn't it" the demon asked as he turned to me. "Her father was the reason my mission has been waiting. This mission was assigned to me only, and her she made everything easy for me. And now, the key is within my reach" He concluded. The courage I felt a while ago faded away. I became fragile again. But I didn't want to be the one who made such a mission complete. I didn't want to be the one who breaks the world. My tears were in abundances. "So, you see. You courage left you along with me. And now, you're just as fragile as always" the demon said.

       I quickly reached for a flower vase that was beside me and just then the demon drew me closer to him with his super natural power. When I got close to him enough, I screamed and hit the vase on his head. He roared and drew away from me as he held the spot that I hit the vase on. "You brat" yhe demon said as he stretched his hand to me and threw to a mirror that was on the wall. The mirror broke and I fell. I was completely paralysed but this was not a fight that I should give up on. His powers were strong and fighting him would be difficult and most of all, he heals quickly. I became stuck in the air again. That feeling of being pulled by two people. He then used his power to turn me around and now I was facing him. He slowly drew me close to him. The pull was getting stronger and I was breathing harshly. "There is no stopping me" He said as he slowly take his hand backwards and then, he pushed it forward. I blow through the window.

       I was now shattered like an egg that falls for a nest. Where was the courage I had before? I asked myself. No am not going to giving up. Not when am so close. I raised my face and I realised that everywhere was dark. How was that even possible? It was suppose to be noon by now but ignored that fact.There was no other house apart from ours. The whole surrounding was covered with trees and bushes. I stood up and started screaming for help but no one was around. I tried to move my leg but I fell again. I started to crawl again towards the bushes. I didn't look behind me to see if he was coming. I just kept crawling as fast as I could. I wasn't really crawling with my knees but with my elbows. I went further inside the bush and and I came to a stop. I can't run from him. The thought of fighting back came to me again. This was a boarder between letting the demon win and fighting with the last piece of strength. I had no strength though. My whole body was hurting, but if I was going to die, then I need to put up a good fight first. This was the least I can do and I must do it.

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