"Love is nonsense and never should be a thing!" That was something Han Ai Yue would say when she was younger. But she will soon realise that love isn't meaningless. Alright, I will not spoil what is to come but welcome to the story of Discovering the Hero's Love, where love manifested in Han Ai Yue and Wu Jun Rong. Han Ai Yue has been single for a long time and still hasn't had a boyfriend at all. When I say long, I mean a long time. She is turning 17 this year. Since she is the youngest, every year her relatives ask the same question over and over again. And it is annoying, to say the least.
Do you have a boyfriend? Is it because no one wants you? HAHAHA!", Aunt Su Li asked.
Please stop asking me if I have a BOYFRIEND! UGH! I don't have one, okay, so please, could you leave me alone?", Ai Yue screamed. She is at a relative's place for the Lunar New Year, and they are relatives that she would never see often; once a year would be the max.
Such a rude girl! I was just asking because I care for you!", Aunt Su Li rebutted angrily and went back to her seat with her glass of wine. This side of the family tends to be the one that asks her that question most often. This is the Lu family (her maternal side). The Lu family is just a regular family with a few famous people in it. There is Aunt Su Li over there, who was once an actress. There are a few others, but let's keep that in the dark for now.
Ai Yue hates this side of the family. Not because they are famous, no. But they have high standards for new members of the family (meaning the spouses of the family members). They expect the new members of the family to be good-looking, rich, and, most importantly, highly educated. That also applies to members who are female. The Lu family has always been traditional, and this will never change. That's another reason why Ai Yue just cares about grades or work instead of getting a boyfriend.
"Aunt Su Li, I don't want to be rude to you, but don't you think you have asked and said enough? I think I had repeated to myself a lot for this question."
"Well, my dear Ai Yue, don't you think you are going overboard? I am just asking you a question!"
"I am just 17, Aunt Su Li! What do you want from me?"
Ai Yue's grandfather stomped onto the table and said, "That's enough!" This is a Lunar New Year dinner! Every year, you and Yue Yue would fight over this. Please show some respect, both of you!"
Aunt Su Li smirked and said even louder, "Show some respect to this brat! Do you even know who I am? I am Lu Su Li, an actress!"
Ai Yue's grandfather again stomped, "If you want to continue this nonsensical behaviour, get out!" Ai Yue's grandfather then coughed badly after saying that.
Ai Yue went over to calm her grandfather down and looked at Aunt Su Li. "I don't want to fight with you, but let me repeat this, in case it has slipped your mind: I don't have a boyfriend and don't want one at the moment. If you don't get it, I can say it slower for you. Ai Yue smiled and looked at Aunt Su Li.
Aunt Su Li looked at Ai Yue furiously and said, "You brat! Didn't your parents teach you how to speak properly?"
Ai Yue's grandfather screamed, "Su Li, get out! If you don't know how to listen, you get out!"
Ai Yue calmed her grandfather and smiled. "Aunt Su Li, my parents taught me well, but I think you have forgotten how to speak with Grandpa."
This time, Aunt Su Li was so furious that she walked out of the house and left the reunion dinner.
Ai Yue's mother, Lu Qi Shan, awkwardly clapped her hands and said, "Why don't we start our meal now?"
This was when everyone picked up their chopsticks and started eating.
After the dinner ended, Lu Qi Shan (Ai Yue's mother), Han Wei Xiang (Ai Yue's father), and Ai Yue were in the car on the way home. The Han family includes the parents and three children. Ai Yue is the youngest in the family. She has an older sister and brother, and only her sister is married. Her older brother is currently in military service, which is why you don't see him here. But, he too has a girlfriend. Lu Qi Shan is a jewellery designer, and Han Wei Xiang is an engineer manager who works for a really big company in City B. In summary, the Han family is filled with talented and well-rounded parents who have loads of money. Okay, let's get back to the story.
Daughter, don't you think you were a little out of line today? Han Wei Xiang asked:
But I did nothing wrong. I just said what needs to be said."
"Next time, I think it's better for you to not go to this reunion dinner."
"But, Dad, if I don't go, when will I be able to see Grandpa?"
Han Wei Xiang stayed silent. Lu Qi Shan broke the ice and said, "I know you felt hurt earlier and did exceptionally well. Just ignore her comments next time, Ai Yue."
"Fine, Mum. I will listen to you, but I will just say I don't want a boyfriend."
Qi Shan looked concerned. "What do you mean you don't want a boyfriend, Yue Yue? You know having one is important for your future, Ai Yue."
I get it, Mom. "I just don't want one at all. I find it a waste of money, and I am just not in that stage of life yet."
Wei Xiang laughed, "HAHAHAH, it's okay if you don't want one; Aunt Su Li also doesn't have one. HAHAHA"
Everyone in the car started laughing uncontrollably. It is true. The person who made fun of Ai Yue doesn't have a man who would take her as a partner. All of them either ran away or just ghosted her.
The family reached home, and Ai Yue went into the shower to cool her head. Was she being too unreasonable earlier?
"This bullshit."
She got out of the shower and went straight to her table to turn on her laptop and look at her enrollment letter. Next week, will be her first day at a new school where she is doing her tertiary studies. She will be doing her studies in fashion design at the prestigious School of the Arts.
"It will be new next week; I can do this!"
Then she slept.