Chapter 53

Craig had taken the day off from work. He had more pressing matters than work. In any case, how would he be able to perform his duties with Ferris on his mind all the time? Craig pulled up on Ferris's driveway. He did not have to knock as Ferris was already waiting for him behind the safety gate. Craig noticed the bandage on Ferris's hand and arm as he approached the kombi.

'How are you feeling today Ferris?' Craig asked when Ferris struggled into the kombi.

'I've had better days, thanks,' Ferris sighed. 'This feels like a dream. A nightmare.' He slammed the door shut.

Craig started the kombi and shifted the gears. 'Don't worry man. We will sort this thing out. My neighbour Brian I told you about arranged a session with an old friend of his. Apparently, this guy is good. He's a spiritual and herbal healer.' Craig reversed the kombi out of the driveway and headed down the road. He was relieved that Brian had been able to arrange a meeting with The Teacher earlier. If they had to wait for the weekend, Ferris's hand and arm might have been far worse. The curse or disease, or whatever it was, was spreading way too fast for Craig's comfort.

'Thank you for your efforts, Craig,' Ferris said. 'I appreciate your help. I've got no one, really.' He stared out the windscreen.

'We are here to help one another, aren't we? We need to pick Brian up. He knows where this guy stays. Anyway, Brian is a very religious man. He would also like to see your arm if you don't mind.' Craig gauging Ferris's reaction.

'Fine by me, the more the merrier really.'

'So, how is your arm feeling today? Did it get any worse?' Craig asked hoping the answer would be no.

Ferris sighed, 'It's getting worse. I thought it had stopped, but that was only for a day. I'm too scared to look at it lately because I know I'll see more of those rotting things in my flesh. The smell is the worst part. I think I made peace with these fucking ugly cuts, but the smell that comes with it...God forbid.'

Craig felt sorry for Ferris but he grew more concerned that maybe The Teacher would not be able to do anything for him. If it could be stopped, then Ferris would most probably have to go for plastic surgery to fix the damage that had been done already. Craig could faintly smell the rotting scent protruding from underneath the bandage despite the strong smell of antiseptics.

'So have you seen more cuts?'

'I'll show you soon enough, although I'm not sure you want to see it. My hand is almost completely fucked. I can see the bones of my fingers and there are a few more cuts on my arm as well.'

Craig did not know what to say. He felt a deep pit of sorrow forming in his stomach. It could have been one of his children, or even Sarah for that matter. What sort of evil magic are these kids playing with Craig wondered. Where did it come from and why now? He was hoping The Teacher would be able to stop this madness before it went too far. Ferris was right, maybe Craig did not want to see any of it. He knew the image of Ferris's hand and arm would stay with him for the rest of his days.

They soon entered Saldanha. Craig was watchful for more evil signs he had found on one of the light poles.

Soon the kombi stopped in front of Brian's house.

'Give me a sec,' Craig said, getting out of the kombi. He slammed the door and walked towards Brian's front door. Brian was expecting them. He opened the door before Craig could knock.

'Morning Brian,' Craig greeted.

'Morning young man.'

Craig witnessed how Brian locked the door and struggled towards the kombi.

'Can I help you there Brian?'

'No. no. Old but still strong,' Brian said. He limped around the kombi with his walking stick.

Craig opened the sliding door for Brian to get in. Once Brian was seated Craig made sure the door was shut properly before he walked around the kombi.

'Brian, this is my colleague Ferris I told you about,' Craig said when he got in behind the steering wheel.

'Hello Ferris,' Brian nodded from the back.

'Pleased to meet you, sir,' Ferris said, extending his right hand which Brian shook briefly.

'Craig told me about what happened to you. It seems pretty serious,' Brian said. 'I hope my friend can help you. I have much faith in his abilities to banish evil and do good things to help others.'

'I really appreciated your help sir,' Ferris said sincerely.

Craig reversed the kombi and said, 'Okay Brian, just point us in the direction.'

They got back on the main road and passed through town. Soon they were travelling towards the hill Craig had taken Sarah and the kids when they first arrived in Saldanha. They turned right into another main road leading to an underprivileged population. Craig noticed how the houses were built almost next to one another. They were all painted in different colours. More coloured people were scattered on the pavements carrying shopping bags to their destinations. The state of the place degraded as they drove on. In the distance, Craig noticed a large warehouse with most of its windows shattered. Small children regarded them with curiosity as they passed by. They turned right into a smaller road and soon they ended up in a more underprivileged area. Rubble had been entangled in a rusty fence running down the side of the road. They were fluttering in the constant Southeaster wind.

'Upfront we need to turn right again,' Brian said from the back. 'Carry on until you get to the end of the road. There's a big tree in front of the house. You can park underneath it.'

'Got it,' Craig said.

They soon reached their destination where Craig parked under a large tree casting a shadow over a medium size house with a zinc roof. He noticed the house had no gutters, but at least the person who lived here kept the yard tidy with green lawn and neatly trimmed shrubs.

'Just don't be startled by my friend, The Teacher. He's quite different, but he means no harm,' Brian said before they got out.

'It can't be worse than what is happening to me at the moment,' Ferris said.

They were greeted at the door by a young coloured man. He was tall with stubby dreadlocks which stuck out of his head like fingers. 'The Teacher is expecting you.' He said with a welcoming gesture of his hand.

Craig noticed the maroon carpet running down the hall. The carpet had beige squares and circles which reminded Craig of the carpets his grandparents used to have. There was a strong smell of incense. The house was cool and dark inside. They were led through the house into a larger room with a wooden cross on the back wall. There were hand-carved shapes inside the cross almost like the ones Craig had seen in some churches. A material couch covered the full length of the wall on the left. To the right, Craig could see three incense sticks smoking on a small table.

'May I please ask that you remove your shoes,' the young man said in a soft voice.

Craig untied his shoelaces and noticed the square carpet in the middle of the floor. It was a thick soft carpet with a creamy colour.

'Don't step on the carpet,' Brian said as he struggled towards the couch. He sat down and removed his shoes. Ferris joined him and did the same.

Craig was about to walk towards the couch when he heard a voice behind him. He looked around to find an old skinny man not taller than five feet. He was leaning on a crooked walking stick. His dark face shone like wax. His dreadlocks hung over his back and shoulders like thick ropes. His eyes were milky which made his face look eerie. His bare feet pointed out from underneath a light brown sarong as he moved slowly towards the middle of the room. There was no doubt in Craig's mind that this was the person they called, The Teacher.

'Hello my good friend,' he said with a hissing voice that sounded like he was being choked with little air reaching his vocal cords.

'Hello Teach,' Brian said.

The Teacher slowly struggled to a seating position on the carpet by leaning heavily on his walking stick. He placed the stick beside him and crossed his legs. He pressed his hands together in a praying manner, bowed his head and gently started rocking back and forth. Craig felt harmony in the room as he witnessed the old man saying his silent prayers. It was like the room filled up with nothing but positive energy and slowly drained his brain of all negative thoughts. Craig expected The Teacher to be different in some way, but he did not expect him to be blind. He felt humble as he looked at The Teacher. He had a great deal of respect for the man already although he had only seen him for about five minutes in total.

The Teacher stopped rocking and placed his hands on his lap. He looked up and asked, 'who is the man in need of God's mercy? Come, join me on the carpet.'

Brian gave Ferris a nudge with his elbow. Ferris walked over the carpet and sat down directly opposite The Teacher. He regarded The Teacher's white eyes and felt a chill running down his spine. Although The Teacher could not see, Ferris felt a great presence of power. The room was quiet which made Ferris feel a little uncomfortable. He was just about to break the silence when The Teacher spoke.

'You have much despair inside of you, but do not fear. You have been touched by great evil.' The Teacher raised his hands and slowly scanned inches over Ferris's body almost like trying to detect gaps in his aura. His hands moved towards Ferris's left hand and halted. 'May you please remove the bandage?'

Ferris was dumbstruck by the sharp senses of the blind man. He wondered if The Teacher might be able to see through those milky eyes after all. He unwrapped the bandage and felt embarrassed about the smell that erupted from his arm. The wounds on his hand and arm were now clearly visible, at least to him. Ferris wanted to look away for he had seen enough of these wounds already. He realised the cut on his arm had grown a little since he had last seen it. They were slightly deeper than before running down almost the entire length of his forearm, a raw gaping slit between his radius and ulna. His hand was even worse. There was another cut between the last two fingers. Ferris realised that he started to look like a living skeleton. His hand felt stiff due to the dehydration and loss of flesh that he lost most of its function already.

The Teacher's hands floated inches above Ferris's arm, analysing it for a moment. 'This is very strong. I have not encountered such evil in my existence. You are in grave danger.'

Ferris swallowed hard. Anxiety was forming in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to ask what he could do but decided against it. He would not want to be disrespectful to The Teacher, nor does he want to interrupt him.

'You have been touched by the devil with many faces. The disease of wrath feeds upon your flesh. I detect a strong current of darkness which I am not able to counter. The atrocity of hell is deeply embedded in your wounds and runs through your veins. Unfortunately, I am not able to help you more than you can help yourself. There are things that should not be dared even by the bravest of souls. God permits only certain things and sometimes He only shows the way. The courage must come from within together with the faith of God to proceed and conquer evil. You have been touched by the ancient bones of a descendant of Satan. I sense a hidden grave. It contains the bones as well as the book of evil. This grave had been discovered already not too long ago. They hold the power of evil. An evil that is far too strong for you to destroy. They are growing stronger every day. Soon evil would have spread throughout this district and beyond. They will destroy. They will kill. They will rape and burn once more. Their quest is for hell to return. This evil can be stopped by a true bloodline, a descendant of the North. I am afraid I cannot help you, young man. I am truly sorry.'

Ferris felt shocked and drained from life. Almost like something showered over his body, draining his soul of any hope he had left to live. He knew it was partly because he had expected The Teacher to be able to help. What concerned him more was the level of evil The Teacher had mentioned. It was running in his veins and soon it will spread throughout the rest of his body. Ferris knew his only chance for salvation, the last bit of hope turned out to be another dead end. His doctor had phoned him back not so long ago and told him what he already knew. The doctor had told him that the test results had come back from the lab. They could not find anything abnormal.

'Thank you,' Ferris said almost inaudibly.

He got up from the carpet and made his way to the couch. He knew it was not The Teacher's fault. The Teacher had tried to help, but the evil was far too great for him. Ferris sat down on the couch and started wrapping the bandage around his forearm again.

Craig tried to find words to comfort Ferris but they would not come. His world was spinning as he regarded Ferris. He had not known the man for long, but Ferris had a certain place in his heart.

'Brian, I would like to talk to your other friend,' The Teacher said. 'I need to talk to him in private please.'

Craig did not realise at first that The Teacher was talking about him. They were here for Ferris. Craig could not think of a single reason why The Teacher wanted to talk to him in private.

Brian struggled to get up from the couch but managed with the help of his walking stick. Ferris thanked The Teacher and left the room.

Brian halted at the door. He looked back at The Teacher, 'keep well my good old friend. We'll be in touch.'

'May God be with you,' The Teacher replied.

Brian winked at Craig and disappeared down the hall. Soon the room became quiet again. Craig could almost hear his own heart pounding in his chest. He was not afraid, but he was not certain what to do next.

'Sit down,' The Teacher broke the silence. His voice was slightly louder than before in the quiet room.

Craig hesitantly stepped onto the carpet and sat down facing The Teacher the same way Ferris did.

The Teacher sat cross-legged. His hands were resting on his knees with his palms facing up. 'Put your hands into mine.'

Craig leaned forward and placed his hands in The Teacher's palms. He instantly felt a current of power running through his body. He wanted to pull back his hands, but The Teacher had a firm grip on them. Craig looked into The Teacher's milky eyes and felt an uneasiness forming in his stomach. It seemed like The Teacher was suffering from a seizure. His body jolted violently when he rapidly started spitting out words which Craig could not fully understand. Some words were English while others were Hebrews, Craig imagined.

Craig was relieved when the seizure eventually stopped. He knew it could not have been too long, but it sure felt like hours. The Teacher's head was bowed while still holding Craig's hands. He slowly lifted up his milky gaze from the ground towards Craig. He looked tired and old, older than moments before. Craig could feel the strong grip around his wrists release and he gently pulled back his hands.

'You and your family are in grave danger. I sense great evil heading your way. The wickedness that had touched your friend is only the beginning. You have come from afar and it is not in vain. Your purpose called you here. The broken road ahead is paved with blood and suffering. I sense the gift of the bloodline in your family. The bloodline of the north has been long forgotten by society. You cannot banish evil from your life if you don't embrace the mercy and the love of God. You have the greatest vessel in your family amongst your three children, a pure vessel of God and a great conduit of His rightfulness. This child is oblivious to the precious gift and power it possesses. Heed the behaviours of your children for soon it will be evident who the bearer is. I see a great deal of agony. There will be a level of needed resistance, but thereafter the power of God and might will shine vibrantly. There are many things that physics cannot define. Nor can it be explained by science. Such things should not be taken for granted for they are from our God of all creations. We as humans fail when we try to fit reality into our limited framework of experience and knowledge. All the answers we seek are within. The problem with mankind is that we only know what we know and don't know what we don't know. We become complacent because we do not dare the dark for the fear of the unknown. By bringing the dark to light, we truly grow.'

Craig was dumbstruck as he regarded The Teacher. He hardly believed the accuracy of what The Teacher had said about his family. Craig knew then that The Teacher was authentic because Brian did not know enough about his family to have told The Teacher anything. None of the things he had said could have been made up. Craig felt a seed of concern growing in his stomach. He knew there were evil things happening around his loved ones, but he never thought his family would become involved in these evil doings. He had to do something very soon, but he did not even have the slightest idea where to start and what to do. He remembered the man Sarah had told him about, the man that came by the other day asking for work and money. There were other things like the signs the kids had seen on the beach, the cat tied to the pole and the thing he had found in the attic.

'What can I do?' Craig asked. His voice sounded too loud for his own ears in the quiet room.

'Protect your family until they are strong enough to banish the evil that is spreading like a raging fire,' The Teacher hissed. 'Do not come in the way of your children for they are God's innocent favourites. Their pure hearts will form the conduit and you will get hurt if you stand in their way. It was not clear in my vision who this child is, but be ready to accept a battle of the ages, a ferocious battle between good and evil.'

Craig sighed. He felt fear creeping up from nowhere and accumulating in his solar plexus.

The Teacher must have sensed Craig's fear and said, 'fear not my child for out of your bloodline, a vessel of God was conceived to banish great evil. It is a privilege to have met you, Craig Anderson.' For a moment Craig wondered how The Teacher knew his name, but then again maybe Brian had told him.

'Thank you, Teacher,' Craig said. 'I think the pleasure is mine.' Craig got up from the carpet and looked down at The Teacher. His ghostly eyes were staring out into another dimension. 'Can I help you up?'

'No thank you. I want to remain here for a while longer to meditate. Keep safe and know that God is always with you. I will pray for courage on your behalf. Remember, God will not put something in your way if He did not have a plan for you to overcome. Be strong my son. Now go, your family needs you,' The Teacher hissed before he bowed his head in a praying manner.

The sun was too bright when Craig walked out through the front door. He noticed Brian and Ferris having a serious conversation as he approached the kombi.

He must have had a concerned expression on his face as Brian asked, 'everything all right young man?'

Craig merely nodded as he walked around the kombi and opened his door. He sat behind the steering wheel staring out the windscreen. The keys were still in his hand. He didn't even notice that Brian and Ferris were staring at him. He snapped out of his coma and started the kombi.