Chapter 60

Andrew enjoyed the sensation of the water washing away the dirt on his body. Somehow it got rid of most of the horrible images from his dream, although only temporarily. He could still hear those screams in the distance coming from his dark subconscious mind. He still had no idea how to approach his parents, but he would not be able to hide it. The truth shall set you free, he thought. He looked at his hands. All the dirt was gone from underneath his nails. He had broken several bones in his hand and God only knows where else. He remembered the intense pain when that happened, but how did he heal? Did he now possess superhuman healing powers? His hands were as good as he felt inside. In fact, he felt better than he remembered feeling ever before. He somehow felt stronger and more confident. Even heavier somehow.

Andrew closed the taps and got out of the shower. He could not remember when last he had been this hungry. He dried off his body and stared in the mirror. He looked for scratches on his face and body but could not find any new injuries. Something was different though, something almost unnoticeable. There was a small speckle deep inside both of his irises. Andrew brought his face closer to the mirror. There were speckles moving in there. They were like miniature flames dancing in the black universe of his soul. Andrew frowned and tried to focus on one of the flames.

Hello, my friend. It has been a long time since I've seen my own reflection. The voice echoed in his head. This time it was welcome in Andrew's head. In fact, it was comforting, a voice of power and strength. Andrew enjoyed the company, and he found himself smiling.

'Hello,' Andrew mimicked with a low voice. For a moment he felt a little crazy for talking to himself in the mirror.

My name is Odin.

Andrew recalled the name he had read about somewhere. He knew Odin was a god during the times of the Vikings, but he might have been mistaken.

We have something in common you and me. You may not know it yet, but it soon will unfold.

Andrew nodded to his reflection in the mirror. Again he heard the fading screams of women and children. The flames in his eyes started fading. He waited for the voice to be back but it was gone just like the flames in his eyes. Andrew felt frustrated by the short visit. He needed answers to so many questions and the unpredictable existence of the voice happened at random. It had a mind of its own within Andrew's head.

Andrew barely got dressed when he heard a window shatter in the house. He heard the commotion of his family in distress. He jerked open the bathroom door and ran to the TV room. He almost did not see his mom holding her hands in front of her mouth to prevent her from screaming. Patrick and Emily stood next to a large window that now lay scattered on the tiled floor. He heard the familiar sound of a car speeding away, the same deep growl he heard the other day when Victor and his friends parked outside their house. In the middle of the shattered glass, he saw a brick. He knew their window had been thrown out by Victor and his friends. He felt anger building up inside as he walked towards the brick.

There was something written on it. Andrew started walking over the shards. He knew he was barefoot, but it did not bother him too much. What he was more interested in was the writing on the brick. He squatted next to the brick and picked it up. He felt a bad current running through his body as he held the brick in his left hand. Something shook in the ground. Andrew could feel it. He had a strange knowing that it could not have been felt by anyone else except for him. It was like something shook inside of him. He could not figure out where the world shook and why, but he knew something, he knew it was the beginning of something bad. He could feel it in the pit of his stomach. He dropped his gaze to the brick in his hand. On the one side, bold letters GET OUT had been written in black paint. Andrew turned the brick around and saw a pentagram painted on the larger surface. On the other side, the number 666 was written. He knew this has gone too far, and it had to be stopped. The anger in him was growing, boiling up from a dark place and he thought about Patrick and Emily. He heard the screams from the woman and children again as he got up. He threw the brick out of the broken window. It landed on the ground with a soft thud and tumbled away from the house.