Chapter 69

Victor, Tommy and Mike approached their car. Numbers was already waiting for them behind the steering wheel of the ugly brown car with the cracked windscreen. Loud underground music blasted through the distorted speakers. Numbers had very little respect for the stupid human race, let alone the school kids and teachers. He did not keep it a secret either. If someone would look in Numbers' direction, he would stare right back at them. At the same time, he would stick out his tongue and flap it until they looked away disgusted or even fearful. While he waited for Victor, he had quite some fun with the kids, especially the young girls. He liked the way they picked up the pace as soon as he showed them his tongue.

Numbers' entertainment game was interrupted when his companions got into the car. He looked at Victor and noticed the red marks on his neck. 'What happened to you?'

'I think we got problems, big fucking problems,' Victor said.

'Why, some bitch beat you up or what?' Numbers chuckled. He noticed the serious expression on Victor's face and his smile dropped. 'What do you mean problems?'

'The family staying in your old house, there's something different with them. Well, one of them in particular.'

'How so,' Numbers frowned.

'This guy has fucking strength I tell you,' Victor said shaking his head in disbelief. 'Mean fucking strength.'

'So how's this a problem?' Numbers asked.

'He lifted me off the ground with one hand,' Victor said louder than he expected to. He took a moment to regain himself. 'There was something in his eyes. That's what bothered me the most. Besides the strength, there was something else there. Ask Tommy and Mike, they saw the whole thing except for his eyes.'

'Yeah, that guy was fucking strong. He lifted Victor up like he was no – '

'What was in his eyes?' Numbers interrupted Tommy.

'He has brown eyes, but the fucking things went yellow today when he held me up in the air. Yellow I tell you and then they went back to brown again. Now, tell me that's fucking normal,' Victor said.

Numbers laughed throwing his head back into his seat. 'And you reckon we have a problem? Fuck Vick, get a hold of yourself, man.'

Victor stared back at Numbers dumbstruck, 'what's so funny?'

'Eyes don't mean shit to me, brother,' Numbers said. 'You should have seen the eyes of some of those guys I stabbed in jail. The colours in their eyes change as well. That's normal. Anger and fear can make those things happen, especially when they know that they are about to die. It's nothing new man. Are you done whining now?'

Victor stared out the windscreen not exactly sure what he had seen although he knew there was something wrong. 'I don't know. I'm sure I'd seen flames in there as well.'

'Flames? In his eyes?'

'Yes almost like your eyes go sometimes when you call up demons. I'm not strong enough to do that yet, but your eyes - '

'Like this,' Numbers said and closed his eyes for a moment. His head was tilted upwards with his palms suspended in the air facing downwards. When Numbers opened his eyes again, they were bright yellow with cat-like pupils. He was grinning which made his face even scarier. He turned his head towards the back of the car and faced Tommy and Mike.

'Fuck me!' Tommy said jumping back in his seat. Although he had been to some satanic rituals, he had never seen something like this. He could only dream of such power.

Numbers closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them they were normal again. 'Was it anything like that?'

'Not quite, but it was something that I had never seen before,' Victor said.

'Would you say it was demon activity?' Number asked.

'Not sure.'

'Maybe these guys are part of us and we don't even know it,' Numbers said.

'No, I can tell, there's something different about them. There's a power from another dimension. Our rivals I would say,' Victor said.

'Christians?' Numbers asked.

'Maybe, I don't know, but they are definitely not one of us,' Victor confirmed.

'Maybe we should check them out a little and perhaps pay them another visit someday,' Numbers smiled.

'I would like that,' Victor said.

'I won't worry about that too much if I were you,' Numbers said. 'I have not come across anyone with my sort of power. They can possess whatever fucking power they think they might have, I'll fucking show them what power really is.'

Victor smiled, 'yeah, I know you will. You can do pretty fucked up shit with those demons of yours. I hope nobody's seen you turn your eyes like that just now.'

Numbers smiled, 'Fuck them all. I own this town. Soon they will be ours to command. Just give it some time brother. We need to arrange a gathering, and soon.' Numbers started the car and drove off the school grounds.