Chapter 79

Andrew was sitting in the mathematics class. The end of the school day was in sight. He knew he had a new ability because during school breaks he could sense a sort of darkness around some of the kids, especially in Victor's group. It was a cloud-like energy surrounding them. At first, he had no idea what it was, but as the day progressed he associated the bad energy with the wrongdoers. He knew the darkness in them was demon related. It gave him a sense of relief because he would be able to single out the evil ones without hurting the innocent. He might even track their movements and hopefully find the source of the evil they served. Hopefully, it would lead him far from prying eyes so that he could take care of business in any way he saw fit. Andrew smiled when he remembered the shiny object he found in his closet after he had woken up from his dream. He had reached a point of no return. He could feel the vengeance flowing through his veins.

Andrew thought about what they had done to Craig again. He wished he had been there when it happened. He imagined what they had done to Craig and how they had kicked him, what they said and how they laughed once they were done. They were cowards because they attacked when he was alone. Andrew felt angry at this. Maybe he could separate one of them to find out what they were after. Andrew knew that the whole affair would not have a good ending. He would probably end up in jail. He thought about the guy who called himself Francois. People in his position, a trusted figure were supposed to serve and protect. Not Francois, he abused his uniform for the prize of power and money or maybe something else. Andrew imagined red blood as dark stains on a blue uniform. He saw black boots, and a fucked up, mutilated body to a point where it was almost unrecognisable. At least people could say Francois used to be a police inspector, but not to Andrew. Francois did not deserve the uniform he was wearing.

The school siren chimed. Andrew instinctively returned his books to his school bag. He was on a mission. He had to seize any opportunity that presented itself. Planning was crucial, but more importantly, he had to think on his feet. Andrew was the first to leave the classroom. Already scholars were streaming from the classrooms.

Andrew was searching for the dark presence amongst the scholars. It did not take him long before he spotted it. Andrew was not surprised to see Tommy's face and a dark energy radiating from his body. He wondered if Tommy had been there when his dad got beaten up. Andrew followed him and picked up the pace when he realised Tommy was headed for the stairs leading to the lower plane. Tommy walked down the second flight of stairs towards the ground level. Andrew was close but kept his distance a little to prevent Tommy from becoming suspicious. Tommy started walking in the opposite direction as the rest of the scholars.

Where are you going fuck head? Andrew thought when Tommy disappeared around the corner leading away from the crowd. He could hardly believe his luck or was it fate? He knew there was a toolshed where Tommy was heading to. Maybe Tommy was going for a quick smoke before his next class. Andrew felt excitement mixed with anticipation. The situation was turning out to be better than he had expected. His plans started to click into place. Hopefully, he would be alone in the shed with Tommy so that they can have a chat about what happened in the pub when his dad had been beaten up. Maybe Tommy's friends will join, but even that did not bother Andrew. Tommy quickly looked around before he disappeared inside the shed. Andrew felt his heart beating faster as he approached the shed. Tommy had not seen him.

Andrew opened the wooden door and entered the shed. He could smell the tar on the treated wood mixed with the smoke from Tommy's cigarette. Tommy had an expression of surprise where he was sitting on the motor of the school's lawnmower. It quickly grew into concern when Andrew closed the door behind him. This was the ideal opportunity Andrew was waiting for. He hoped no one decided to interrupt them or worse, bear witness to a possible homicide.

'Hello, Tommy,' Andrew said in a calm tone. 'That's your name right?'

'What do you want?' Tommy said flicking the ash from the tip of his cigarette.

'Just want to talk to you. You don't mind, do you?' Andrew stepped a little closer to Tommy.

'I got fuck all to say to you, so you can just as well get the fuck out of here,' Tommy said with a harsh voice.

'Now that's not the way you are meant to talk to people. Did you learn that from your friends in the satanic cult or have you just been brought up to be no good?'

'You don't know shit about us,' Tommy said. 'Better stay out of our business.' He took a drag from his cigarette. Andrew could sense that Tommy was nervous about the unexpected visit.

'That's exactly what I came here to discuss with you, but it seems like you already made up your mind about not telling me,' Andrew said. His face grew grim. 'Just tell me a few things. Where is your secret gathering place, the place where you low-life fuckers worship Satan?'

'Go fuck yourself.' Tommy smiled.

Andrew nodded, 'I thought so. Next question. Who is that fucker with the tattoos you are hanging out with?'

'He's your worst nightmare. That I can assure you. I also want to warn you, your days around here are growing shorter. Satan will rule and all you pigs will be slaughtered if you don't submit to his power.'

'I see,' Andrew nodded. He stared at the ground for a moment pretending to be deep in thought. 'I don't want to waste your time any longer so I've got one more question for you. Were you there when my dad got beaten up?' Andrew looked up from the ground and stared into Tommy's eyes.

'Where and who's your dad?' Tommy asked. 'How the fuck am I supposed to know him, anyway?'

'Friday night in the Pirates Barn pub,' Andrew said.

'Ah, that guy. He's your dad?' Tommy said. There was a sense of surprise and wonder on his face. 'You fucking bet I was there. I was the one who sent him down to the ground with a bar stool. It was great fun when we kicked the shit out of him though. Just a simple example of what happens when people start poking around in our business.'

'Thank you for your honesty, Tommy,' Andrew said. 'I really appreciate that. It's just so sad you are on the wrong side. I was hoping you would change your mind and live to see another day. You could have been the one to tell your friends that I'm coming for them.' Andrew paused for a moment looking at Tommy. Tommy sensed something in Andrew's eyes. They were darker than before. 'I'm sorry Tommy, but you have to go now. May you have peace in hell. I know you'll have eternity to think about the side you were on while you still had a choice.'

'You've lost your fucking mind, fuck face,' Tommy said. 'You cannot touch me.' He flicked the cigarette away from him. It bounced off the wooden shed wall where it exploded in orange sparks. He got up and faced Andrew. 'You cannot hide from us. We are everywhere,' he smiled.

'You're right old Tommy, I know you guys are everywhere. I wish I could let you go, but you see, my urge to fuck you up right here is far too great to let you walk away. I'm sorry Tommy,' Andrew said. He grabbed Tommy by his school jersey and pulled him closer. 'Any last words I should tell your friends?'

'Yeah,' Tommy said with fear on his face. 'Fuck you.' Tommy spat in Andrew's face.

'Very well then,' Andrew said and sent his elbow flying into Tommy's face while still holding on to Tommy's jersey. Andrew could feel the weight of Tommy's body as his legs collapsed. Blood was running from Tommy's mouth and crooked nose. The sensation Andrew had felt during the impact was Tommy's nose shattering. Tommy was semi-conscious as he looked up at Andrew. There was no prominent expression on his face. Andrew regarded Tommy for a moment and felt the urge to destroy him completely. Tommy had a choice, and he made the wrong one. He sent another elbow into Tommy's face. There was more blood. Andrew felt blood spatters on his face. He knew he had to clean himself up once he was finished in the toolshed. He released Tommy which was now fully unconscious. Tommy dropped to the floor with a thud. Andrew looked up and noticed a large garden fork standing in the corner. He grabbed it and held it in the air above Tommy's chest. He thought about it for a moment and felt sorry for Tommy. He wished it would have been different. He was disappointed that Tommy had made the wrong choice. Andrew had given him enough reasons to change his mind. Andrew shook his head slightly as he looked at Tommy's pathetic body. He sent the fork down into Tommy's chest piercing his heart and all surrounding intestines. The fork made a thud sound. Andrew knew the fork penetrated the wooden shed floor. The bridge of the fork pressed against Tommy's chest and blood started pouring out all over Tommy's clothes and mouth. Andrew regarded the carnage he had caused, the life he had just taken. He felt sad for a moment. He knew Tommy once was an innocent person until he got involved with the evil scum in town. Andrew felt hatred. There was no turning back. He knew there would be no reasoning with the rest. He would hunt them down and destroy them one by one. He had no choice in the matter. He would rid the world of the plague, one at a time.

Andrew pulled the sleeve of his jersey over his hand and wiped the shaft of the fork clean of any fingerprints he might have left behind. He rubbed over his face to wipe off the blood spatter. He opened the shed door slowly sticking out his head to make sure no one was approaching. He did not want to kill someone as innocent as the caretaker. Fortunately, there was no one in sight. He had to go to the toilet to check his face in the mirror. He might have missed a blood spatter or two.

Andrew arrived at the men's rooms unnoticed and looked in the mirror. There was a few more blood spatters on his face. He opened the tap and cupped his hands filling it with water. He bowed over the basin and splashed the water on his face and rubbed with his hands until all splatters were gone. He dried his face with an old smelly towel that seemed brown not by its natural colour, but from dirty hands. He would not be able to walk into any classroom. That would only raise suspicion. He had to hide somewhere until school came out.

He stared at himself in the mirror. He knew he had become a murderer. 'Forgive me, God, for what I'm about to become,' Andrew prayed and left the toilet.