Chapter 109

Delmar's mind was working like never before. The hysterical screams of Emily and Sarah distorted his logic. He watched as the crazy woman kicked the wooden door until there was a hole large enough to show her face. She regarded them with dark eyes for a moment and grinned. Delmar knew they did not have much time before she would break through the door and enter the house. They were running out of options. Although Delmar unlocked the backdoor to escape, he remembered that there was a security gate which seemed to have never been used at all. The gate and lock were severely corroded and the key was nowhere to be found. Even if he had the key, he was not sure it would serve a purpose anymore.

They were trapped with nowhere to go but one of the bedrooms. Delmar chose a room with the key still in the door. He assumed it was a spare room for visitors because there were many boxes inside. He shouted for the ladies to go into the room while he searched the house for weapons. He darted back to the kitchen and grabbed a large knife. He wished for something better, but he did not have much time to look for anything else. As Delmar ran out of the kitchen, he saw the woman running down the hall. She clawed at him and he stabbed. He ran for the bedroom with her almost breathing in his neck. He entered the room where Emily and Sarah waited with fearful eyes. He tried to shut the door but Hecate's hand was already blocking it. Delmar shouldered the door hard several times. He could hear the bones in her wrist crack. Delmar was about to kick the door when the hand pulled back allowing him to shut and lock it. They were trapped in a small bedroom with a single bed. At least he had a knife for protection, but he knew that was not enough. They needed something with a bigger punch. A shotgun would have been ideal, but he was not sure if a shotgun would kill the woman. If a knife to the stomach did not do much, then what good would a shotgun do? He opened the curtains and saw what he feared most. The windows had burglar bars. The banging started on the door causing it to shudder. Delmar knew they did not have much time left. The first crack appeared and he could see some splinters sticking out. Delmar saw something even more disturbing. A sharp shiny object stuck through the door forcing the door to shatter and break even faster. She was armed with something. Delmar knew that the knife in his hand did not mean much anymore.