Chapter 114

Andrew lay in his bed looking at the ceiling. His mind wandered to the events of the past and he realised how lucky he was to still be alive. He still had a hard time believing it all really happened. It was almost like a dream. He shook his head at the realisation that nobody would ever believe a word of what happened if he told them, only his family and the ones that were directly involved knew the truth.

You have done well my son. The voice spoke in Andrew's head and he found himself smiling.

You saved the world and avenged our enemy. Thank you. We will forever be in your debt.

'No,' Andrew said shaking his head. 'You are the one I should thank. I did not ask to be chosen for this, but you believed in me and you stood by me throughout.'

After what happened to our clan, you and your brother were the only twins born from the true bloodline, our bloodline for many millennia. While you and your brother shared the womb of your mother, we were getting ready for battle, making plans for when the time was ripe.

'Did you know we were going to end up in Saldanha?'

We did. We knew it even before you and your brother were born.

'How could you have known that?'

You see Andrew, there are many dimensions co-existing at exactly the same time. Your conscious and subconscious minds are at different dimensions and frequencies. Your dreams are more than just dreams. They are mostly related to your subconscious mind and indirectly to your destination. Your conscious mind is mostly related to inspiration. Sometimes when these dimensions intersect with either the conscious or subconscious mind, one would get a vision or a burst of inspiration towards your true destiny. Because you were too young to be influenced, we had to influence the lives of your parents. Your father was the easiest to influence because he was the descendant of our bloodline. It was a cruel thing to do, I know, but your destiny could not have been avoided. The day would have come when evil ruled the world and nobody would have known how to stop it. How would they have known they possessed the ability if they were not told about it?

'So that's why dad changed jobs so many times?'

I'm afraid so. Besides that your father is a bright man who needs constant stimulation, he got bored very easily. We had nothing to do with his intelligence, but we had everything to do with the fact that he could not stick around in one place for too long.

'I don't understand how you were able to control the physical world from a spiritual world?'

Deep down you are probably wondering why I have so much knowledge of your modern world as well since we are only dumb Vikings who died many millennia ago. How could we possibly possess such knowledge and power? It is quite simple. Although we could not have won this war without you and your brother's physical bodies and strength, we are not much concerned with the physical aspects of your world, the world we lived in so many years ago. Intelligence and information vibrate at a different frequency, another dimension if you will. Without even knowing, you as humans tap into this frequency as a lifeline. You need to feel this frequency to persist and to co-exist. It is similar to oxygen. You cannot survive without oxygen and you cannot survive without this frequency. This is the dimension we live in. Although we are not alive in your world, we are not dead either. We are the pinnacle of your mind, the state of nirvana, the piece, the power and the ultimate goal for the human race. What do you think happens with knowledge if people die? Do you think knowledge is lost forever? The reason why we won the war was that we believed in the same thing. We all believed and channelled our energy into victory and into destroying evil. We also knew what would happen if we lost the war.

'Never thought about it that way. There are things I still don't understand. If you died on earth, why are you not in heaven or in hell?'

There are many things you would not understand. Your time will come to have all your questions answered, but I fear that day has not yet arrived. We are in no position to tell you anything about heaven or hell. Just know that they are both real and you have already made your choice. We were trapped in the sterile dimension for a long time, the dimension between heaven and hell. We refused to let go of our vengeance towards our enemy, but we are free now. We have also made our choice and thanks to you, we will let go and be free forever. I fear our time with you has almost come to an end, and it saddens me, but know that we will be one again.

Andrew nodded, 'One more question.'


'Why did my wounds not heal like before after Patrick closed the portal?'

Andrew heard a deep chuckle. A very good question and I hope that my answer here today will be conveyed as widely as possible. Although we pledged an oath to protect you at all cost as well as to be part of you, the only thing we could do was to channel our energy towards your protection and healing whenever you needed it most. Your instant healing was enough evidence that if your kind could channel all their good energy onto something, miracles can happen. We also wanted you to know that it was possible after all. You had to see it for yourself. The reason why you stopped healing after we won the battle, was that we were depleted and deprived of all energy to give. The battle was far greater than we anticipated. The most important thing is that we won the battle and evil no longer lives here. You can always heal, but the battle had been won. You can heal quicker if you channel your mind to the areas that need healing.

'I understand,' Andrew said.

We will take our leave now Andrew. Always remember when you look into the mirror. Be reminded who you really are my son, the monster who slew the enemy. You will always have that power if you simply believe in it. You are more powerful than you can ever imagine.

Andrew was surprised to see spirits appearing next to his bed. They all had prominent and mescaline faces. Andrew could tell from their opaque fog-like bodies that they were rough men with large beards and strong features Once Upon a Time. They stood proudly next to his bed staring down at him with soft sparkling eyes. Odin bowed his head and Andrew could hear his voice vibrating in his head again.

We will always be with you in memory. So long my son. Remember who you are. You are the most feared humble being in the face of evil. You are the monster in the mirror.

Andrew witnessed as they slowly turned to dust that floated away, disappearing through the walls and ceiling. He smiled and felt a stab of sadness and joy at the same time. He looked at the ceiling again when he felt a smile forming, 'so long my friends.'