1 - The Lone Gamer

            Enter the world of Adora


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  That day everything changed when i got the option to enter the world of Adora..

                [3 months ago]

   — Mmm, being a college student is quite boring as if you don't have the capability to talk like a gossiping aunt then you'll not be noticed as you have to atleast have that qualification to get some friends and if you don't look good then say goodbye to any intention to have a love life as you'll be ignored by the female species as well since everyone prefers beautiful talkative individuals... And this is why i always stay alone as in its quite pointless to even try since everyone will ignore me as i am just an average guy tryina get an average peaceful life. — Zach's thoughts while he stares at the white board were his professor was writing a lot of important stuffs which he casually ignored due to his minds being filled with thoughts.

  The bell rang as the professor warned everyone about submitting the assignments and all before walking out, as soon as the professor left the students immediately began to leave their seats and go towards the ones they are close with as it was just too boring as Zach just turned his head around to see everyone sticking together and gossiping about others as their words filled the room as he felt like being suffocated by them. He sighed " a normal day Zach a normal day.." .

  Zach stood up as packing his books into his back and decided to walk out from his seat, he could feel that some are staring at him and gossiping as he can feel their glares, well he pretty much didn't care about such conundrums as in his mind — hoo yeah, time to go home and grind in rank mode.. i wanna kick some booty in legendary.— Zach was a gamer as he found it easier as college life meant living alone so he decided to live alone and pretty much play games which gave him sense of fun than the suffocation he felt at college. Suddenly he got his Bag pulled by someone, He looked back to see some of his classmates as they were giggling at the sight of seeing his annoyed face. Zach just sighed before grabbing the neck of the guy who pulled him as he pushed the guy towards the wall but it was just an imagination as all he could do was sigh and show his beautiful middle finger.

  He was walking towards the bus station as his phone suddenly buzzed as in vibrated due to notification. He took out his phone from his pants pocket, he opened it as he saw the notification was from an game called the World Of Adora. — wow, i thought they stopped working on the game after many players fell into coma after playing it... Some even died and they had to suffer law suits... Hmmmmm oh well guess I'll check it out — He thought while standing in the bus station, he entered the bus and made his way towards his house. He lived alone in an apartment, he did streaming and partake in game competition which gave him money to sustain himself. As soon as he entered his house he threw the bag onto the bed before turning on his PC as he opened the game before undressing and quickly get a bath.

  After freshening up he sat infront of the PC as he looked at the screen to see if the game was still loading. — how long has it been since i played it... I still remember staying at the top of the leaderboard.. uhhh- destroying those wretched teams and couples all alone was soo mesmerizing... being a villain and a reaching the scale of a living perpetual was too good..— His thoughts was filled with how he was the strongest player whom terrorized anyone who dared to cross path with him. All of a sudden the loading screen changed as it showed an option of yes or no.


            Enter the World of Adora


         Yes                             No

  " wow, is it something new." Zach said while scratching his hair as without a second thought he pressed Yes and everything turned black.


  " uhh, wh.... asj... *Coughs*.. uhh what th fu.." Zach suddenly woke up and looked around with his hands pointing towards the sky.... " where am i..." He rubbed his head but he couldn't feel his hair but it felt as if he was scratching an helmet and just for his suprise he was at standing inside a massive building as both sides seemed to have endless large and long pillars holding the ceiling while the pathway he was in had an endless red carpet as he slowly began to walk forward and after some days or it seemed as if it has been days he reached the entrance or what seemed like an entrance as it was soo bright that he had to hide his face using his hands as the light enveloped him.