35 - A Pawn?

Gerlith walked into the floor where Ari was held, he did take some time to look around to find her since he couldn't find her inside her room.

He finally saw her laying on top of the grass while looking at the sky since there was an opening up top on the ceiling so the sunlight could reach the greenery and flowers.

Gerlith didn't step on the grass but he stood outside the garden and began to speak "Well, Don't tell me you are sleeping outside again?" Though there was no response, he waited for a few minutes.

His wait came to fruition since Ari did respond "Maybe." She said in a rather uninterested way.

Gerlith sighed and said "Stand up, We have to talk. Come on, it's important."

But she didn't respond again, but this time Gerlith walked towards Ari stepping on the grass. He grabbed her by her waist and lifted her up.