43 - The Battle has begun

Marko met with the cardinal inside the cathedral at the City of Arkanglsk. As the Sword Saint entered the room and sat down in front of the table.

He leaned back and asked "Well, So Gerlith. Should I kill him?" for which the Cardinal responded with a light laughter followed by a "No."

Though that didn't please Marko much and he did show his displeasure through his facial expression and he said "Why? Are you scared that it could maybe notify the capital?" He asked in a way challenging the Cardinal.

The Cardinal though kept his cool, maybe due to his old age and experience he knew how to handle a hot headed knight "No, It's because Gerlith is a fool." He said.

"A fool?" Marko reiterated "A fool you say, But he can be a dangerous fool. If he marries her, he will get the title of baron and will definitely use that position against us."