47 - Marko vs The Baron

The feeling of a failure drove the Baron to feel disappointed at himself to the point where he was mentally weakened.

With no desire to continue living he lost his whole purpose with the death of his child and now the gauntlet began to slowly unseal itself as a voice was heard "Do you seek revenge?"

The baron responded "Yes." While tears were falling from his eyes.

"Then close your eyes and allow me to grant you the thing you seek the most, REVENGE." The voice said in a sinister manner and the baron obliged since he had nothing to lose.

He closed his eyes and suddenly a darkish red aura began to come out of his body and fly directly towards the sky.

The gauntlet belonged to a powerful devil which was sealed after Zach defeated it and the devil will take its chance to take control of the wearer if the wearer is mentally too weak to face the manipulation.