
Hack and slash, blood splattered everywhere and corpses sinking under the ever filling snow.

Tha Tsars forces attacked all the frontline camps at once as instead of what happened on the raid where they attack and leave, this time they stayed and pushed forward.

As they moved forward they began to chant the war song together which made the blizzard silent infront of the resolve.

In lands of winter, we stand so tall,

For our Tsar, our motherland, we heed the call.

Through snow and ice, our hearts burn bright,

For the lands we love, we'll stand and fight.

Oh, lands of winter, forever white and cold,

For you, we march, brave and bold.

Under the Tsar's gaze, our spirits ignite,

In this war, we'll stand, we'll fight, we'll fight!

Beneath the northern stars, we tread the snow,

With honor and valor, we'll conquer the foe.

Our breath may freeze, but our will won't bend,