Chapter 15: The new crew

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 15: New crew

"Ah, at last. We are out to sea." The door opened to reveal the figure of Robin coming outside.

Everyone was immediately alerted.

"What are you doing here?." Said Zoro.

"Hey, come now. There is no need to be hostile to the lady. After all, she saved our Captain, and more importantly, she saved Lady Vivi." Added Sanji.

"Oh, it's you. Did you come to join our crew too?." Asked Luffy, not looking bothered by her presence.

"Since when did you board this ship?" Asked Nami.

"I was here the whole time, reading books and taking a bath. I hope you don't mind that I borrowed a few clothes." Answered Robin.

"What?!" Yelled Nami but was ignored.

"Monkey D. Luffy." Robin turned towards him.

"You didn't forget your offer, right?."

"I did not forget. I offered you to join our crew." Said Luffy.

"Wait, what?, but Luffy, she was working for Crocodile not long ago." Complained Usopp.

"Usopp is right. How can we trust this woman?" Said Zoro.

"She saved me and Vivi when we were dying in the desert. I owe her a great debt. Besides, she doesn't seem like a bad person." Said Luffy, looking uncharacteristically serious.

"I think we can trust her." They all turned to Vivi as she spoke.

"She could have killed Ingram but made sure He didn't die, She could also have killed Pell and so many others but she didn't. I know I just joined the crew but I say that we let her join too."

"I am of course in favor of having a third beauty on board." Said Sanji.

"Of course you are..." Mumbled Nami.

"I don't mind either. She seems nice." Said Chopper.

Luffy looked at Nami, Usopp, and Zoro who were the only ones who seemed undecided but eventually, they all nodded in agreement.

"It is decided then. Robin, welcome aboard." Said Luffy.


At night, the entire crew was sitting in the kitchen, enjoying the feast that Sanji had prepared.

"There you go, Lady Vivi." Said Sanji as he placed a plate in front of her.

"Thank you, Sanji. You can just call me Vivi, we are crewmates now. And besides… I'm not even a Princess anymore." She didn't like being addressed with soo much respect, that was one thing she may never have gotten used to, had she decided to stay in Arabasta.

"What do you mean by that? you are not a princess anymore?" Usopp asked.

"Well, if I had kept my status as Arabasta Princess, my actions would have consequences for my country. I could not become a pirate like that. So I asked my father to basically remove me from the line of succession and break my ties with the royal family." She explained.

"So, who is going to rule Arabasta next?." Nami asked.

Vivi shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, but I have a few cousins. If they are not up to the task, my father would have to choose someone else. "

They continued their conversation for a while until Nami asked something that pique everyone's interest.

"So…Robin, why don't you tell us something about yourself? We don't know anything about you."

"Well…I worked as an archeologist since I was eight. Then I had a bounty put on my head."

"Archeologist?" Usopp looked surprised, that was not a common profession these days.

"It's a family tradition, so for the next twenty years, I was chased by the World Government. Being a child, I could not survive by myself, that's why I have been allied with various villains as a way to protect myself." Robin finished.

"You were chased by the World Government just for being an archeologist?." Asked Vivi.

Robin looked at Vivi with hard eyes. "There are some secrets that even the World Government would do anything to make sure they remain as such. That's all I will say about that."

There was an awkward silence at the table after that.

Since she felt a bit responsible for the question, Vivi decided to break the tension.

"By the way…I ate a Devil Fruit. " She said with a wide smile.

"What!!" They all yelled.

"Well, I thought that you guys should know in case I ever fall into the water."

"What does it do?!" Asked Luffy with excitement.

"ummm…I have no idea…" Said Vivi while holding her chin.

"Eh?, I always assume that one could immediately tell after eating a devil fruit." Commented Usopp.

"No, I didn't feel any different after eating it. I was actually planning to do some testing tomorrow. If some of you guys want to help me out, that would be great."

"Of course, we'll help, La- I mean, Vivi." Saji gave her a thumbs up.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see what ability you got.!" Said Luffy.


After dinner was over, most of the crew went to their respective bedrooms, except for Zoro who was on watch, and Nami who was keeping an eye on the route.

As soon as Vivi and Robin entered the bedroom, Robin pointed out that there were only two beds.

"Most of the time, one of us will probably be on ward duty, but otherwise we will have to share a bed until we can buy another one. Maybe in the next town." Said, Vivi.

She then saw Robin walking to one of the best and sitting down.

"I can tell that there is something you want to talk about it. Go on." Vivi sat on the next bed and faced Robin.

Robin looked directly at her.

"Care to explain what happened during the fight with Crocodile. Because no matter how much I think about it, the power that you showed....that should not be possible."