Chapter 54: Confronting the CP9

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 54: Confronting the CP9

"I'm very disappointed in you Mister Iceberg." Said Lucci.

The next one to take out the mask was Kaku.

"If only you had cooperated with the government when they asked nicely, we would have no need to resort to this kind of strategy."

"Kaku…." Mumbled Iceberg. "Then…the rest of you…" He looked at the other masked people.

Kalifa took out her mask too.

"We really wished to finish this mission without having to harm you."

And last, the man with the bear mask who had been fighting Vivi took off his mask.

"You have your master resolve. I'm kinda impressed."

"Kalifa....not you," He said with a mix of sadness and disappointment.

"Blueno!" Iceberg didn't expect the well known barman to also be involved.

"You were all with the government."

"That's right. Infiltrating this place was easy. But, I am impressed by your forethought….now, let's get back to business. The blueprints for the ancient weapon 'Pluton'. Where are they?" Asked Lucci with a cold expression.

After seeing that Iceberg was not going to answer.

"I understand your discouragement. But we are running low on time. We are not known for failing our missions. I assume you have heard the name, Cipher Pol."

Iceberg nodded. "Yes. They are specialized agencies from the World Government. They go from CP1 to CP8."

"That's not completely correct. We are CP9. The agency should not exist. Because of a certain privilege, we have, our existence cannot be known to the world."

Iceberg gave him a surprised look. "CP9?"

"In the name of 'justice,' we have been granted permission by the government to kill any civilian that doesn't cooperate with us." Lucci delivered his line with no emotion in his voice.

"You selfish bastards! there should be no killing of innocents in the name of justice!" Yelled Iceberg.

Lucci ignored his complaint and continued.

"The government has changed its opinions. Rather than fear the power of the ancient weapons. Why not use it for our own goals? We could put an end to this pirate age. Let it become the power of justice!"

Lucci approached Iceberg, who was sitting on the floor.

"And yet…you refuse to cooperate with the government. You are saying 'NO' to all those people suffering from the pirates."

"That's just rude." Complained Vivi.

"That's not the point!. If that weapon gets reawakened…the whole world will suffer. Everyone will be fighting over that thing!" Said Iceberg.

"I see that you have no trust for the World Government, Mister Iceberg." Said Lucci.

"I know about human nature!...brat! " Iceberg spat and Lucci kicked him in the face for it.

Lucci looked at Vivi and raised an eyebrow.

"I was expecting you to intervene. From the reports I read about your crew…you guys seem to like interfering in other's business. Or maybe you are waiting for a chance to save your friend Nico Robin."

"So…you are saying that you were expecting the 'good guys pirates' to jump in and save the innocent citizen from the 'evil marines' who are trying to torture information out of him in order to acquire a weapon of mass destruction that the World Government can use to rule over the world with an iron fist". Does that mean that even you realize that you fellas are being the bad guys here? instead of the pirates? Because that's kinda funny" She smiled at Lucci.

"You dare!!... We don't need to explain our actions to a pirate! This is for the greater good! I was not planning on letting you leave alive after what you heard…but now…I am going to make sure that you suffer... Blueno, Kalifa!" Lucci ordered.

"Vivi, run!" Robin was forced to momentarily break her cold persona.

Immediately, the two of them jumped into action.

'What should I do? I could probably kill them if I go all out, but they may activate the buster call on this place and ruin everything. If that happens, we will have nowhere to escape to…no, I cannot take that risk now. Things need to play in a certain way for this to work…'

"Rankyaku" They both did a combined attack.

Vivi avoided it without showing her water powers. They don't seem to know what her abilities are and it was better to keep it that way if possible.

She moved to Kalifa and punched her in the face. Tekkai was less effective on the face because there are many places with few muscles to harden. Also, Kalifa was probably the weakest member at the moment without her devil fruit, so she went down easily enough.

"Uggg" Kalifa went tumbling down.

Blueno continued his attack. He used his ability to open a door right behind Vivi.

"Shigan!" He aimed at her head but Vivi could easily avoid it with her observation haki.

Blueno has a lot of mobility thanks to the soru and his devil fruit, but the attacks themselves aren't very fast and she can easily keep track of all his movements with haki.

Missing his move left Blueno vulnerable but was able to make a swift escape with his door ability.

"Damm!, she is strong." Kalifa had one hand on her cheek.

Vivi also noticed that she has been gaining strength at a very fast pace. Although she is nowhere near monsters like Zoro or Luffy, she could probably take down a brick wall with a punch now.

'Every time my body breaks, it comes back together a bit stronger than before…is this body even human?....or…what am I?'

She suddenly felt danger and had to avoid another attack from Kalifa.

'Now is not the time for this.' She scolded herself for the distraction.

"Enough!, you two are useless! I'll take her myself!" Lucci roared after losing his patience. His body grew in size and his features turned more…feline.

"WOOOOOO!" They then heard a loud scream before the back wall exploded into pieces.

"URYAAAAA!" Yelled Luffy as He was making his explosive entrance. "WHERE IS ROBIN!"

"Grrr, another hindrance" Huffed Lucci.